Quote Originally Posted by MikeHW45 View Post
Sounds like fun Tone That arms a bit of a bugger, a bit like my back. Had a bit of a tweak in the damaged lower spine a few days ago and its properly up the creek now. People seeing me walking must think I've pooped me pants Just got back from the quacks and they reckon its a bulging disc. AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH BOING!!!!!
It was a nice, relaxing session, Mike.

The arm seems okay-ish again now, cheers, just the ever-present numbness down both arms and feeling like you're constantly being pinged on both funny bones. Been like that ever since that last smash and you sorta get used to it. Whoever called them "funny bones", though? This ain't funny!

Sorry to hear about your back. Bloody horrible. Is it that horrible feeling going right across your lower back that's really debilitating and also making it difficult to breathe properly? I feel for you, matey. Any numbness down the legs?