Quote Originally Posted by SRV1 View Post
Thank you TonyL and Jenny for your response....I'll push some pellets through during next week or so, see where it's at, and adjust as required.

By the way, after cutting spring coils and compressing spring end, should one quench the end in water, oil or leave to cool naturally?

All the best....
If seal fit is good as you say, I'd suggest the problem is excess lube.
No need to lube an unsized seal and no reason to lube piston body. The only real area that may need lube is the rear bearing area (back 15mm or so). Any lube from seal or body of piston is likely being scraped forward by the piston seal and dieselling.
Before you make any further alterations to the spring I'd have alook at the lube. My guess is that there will be lube on the face of the seal.

If you do cut a spring, let it cool naturally.