I've just spent over two hours watching the strip down / rebuild of the " Original " 75 and I get it !

Badgerhill 54 goes in to great detail and even with the slightly dark filming of the take down and rebuild I did follow and understand the guide.

Another Texan chap ( Cyclops/ Joe W Rhea also has a good short film showing the pistons and gear install.

I get it !

The question is , is getting it enough ? I'm no gunsmith but I can grasp the concept and follow direction on the video, store parts in sequence of removal , take photos etc.

Is it feasible to strip and rebuild these guns for the novice ? Or will the hidden traps trip me up ?

Also what's the spares deal on these guns are new springs , piston washers / buffers and breech seals readily available ? I believe other parts are scarce to none existent so is it possible to end up with a wall mounted 75 as an ornament only ?

Guns with little or no use will now need a rebuild ? Would the leather seals now be toast ?

I like the idea of the 75 but the Ferrari like performance and possible issues and associated costs are a little daunting .

Or am I being a wuss ?

Any tips and advice appreciated as I quite fancy one .