Oh yes indeed, Good People of Quigley Hollow.

In just four weeks' time our beloved Little Field of Joy will be alive to the sounds of psssst, ding, boing above the gentle background of friendly voice amongst the very finest people in the land.

Some very lucky folk will have already enjoyed a day (or more) by the time Saturday comes along as The Main Event.

It will be fantastic to see all you lovely folk again and to welcome new friends into the fold.

If you are yet to experience a Bash and are considering it, fear not. Please come along. All newcomers receive a very warm welcome and are made to feel at home straightaway, so you'll soon feel part of it. Your enjoyment is guaranteed and you'll be wanting to make multiple visits.

However, if you want to be part of the fun, as that bloke Fred used to say, "Remember, book early!". Spaces are strictly limited and available on a "first come, first served" basis. (Er, might have made thst last little bit up!).

But, you get the gist.......Don't delay, book today and all that and be smug in the knowledge that you're about to be part of something very special.

Any more fun tokens arrived, Uncle Mick?

And The Sleepometer says, "28 to go", peeps.