Thought I had better pop up in here to say hello again, even though you can see by my join date that I'm not new new 😁

I had to give up all shooting for a while due to a sudden illness I wont bore you with, but my immune system is basically shot (pardon the pun) and it had a knock on effect of tricking my body into believing the nerves in my arms, neck and shoulders were the enemy.

I've only just got back into shooting and finding it really good therapy for regaining arm function and control. I sold most of my gear before unfortunately, and just kept my shotgun and air pistols.

After being bitten by the bug, I've added back what I previously sold and absolutely loving it! The last time I was here, Sol was just starting Solware and the UBC was a brand new thing. After reading plenty of magazines I'm very happy to see both are thriving!

So anyway, I've been mainly shooting my lightly modified Crosman 2240 and Steyr LP10. I'm still not bad with the Steyr, but the 2240 is defintiely making good practice for steadiness with the scope and silencer attached 😁

I'm excited to be part of the community again and I promise I won't go anywhere this time!