Quote Originally Posted by ptdunk View Post
At our vintage shoot we have a ‘semi-recoiless’ class for the spring powered recoil management systems rifles like the FWB sledge, Diana Giss and Anschütz Fluid damper systems.
I’ve just bought an early Walther LGR but I don’t think it’ll be allowed as it’ll probably be classed as recoiless.

I think ‘Semi-recoiless’ just differentiates the spring powered systems from pneumatics.

But you’re right, you can’t have half of nothing, it’s like saying ‘Semi-completed’

Semi-recoiless rifle has a nicer ring to it than ‘recoil dampened rifle’ though.


Much as I deplore the corruption of our fine English language I think some of us worry so much about being "correct and pure" that we could easily become too "focused" and loose sight of the bigger picture .

Many people live happily in a semi-detached house, what would they think if their property status was demoted to....hmmm.. "not separated" or "joined together in a short rank of two terraced properties" perhaps?

Semi-Detached - Semi-Recoilless - both sound OK to me - and everyone knows what these descriptions mean.

Your semi-recoilless shooing class also sounds good to me and I understand exactly what it means too