Hi all after your help to try and identify the stock maker of a lovely walnut stock that I have in my possession and have wondered for ages to whose fantastic work this is.
It is a left handed stock and I picked it up in mind of putting a rifle together for my dad as he is left handed as a bit of a thank you to him.
Anyway quite some has passed since IÂ’ve had it and with all the stuff of late with lock down and people posting lovely images of stuff has made me think that this really needs to be re-United with an action and putting a smile on someoneÂ’s face and being enjoyed.
I know at this point you would hope to see pictures but IÂ’m afraid IÂ’m a bit rubbish with tech but if you get in touch I can e-mail some pics over.
So i pass it over to those with the knowledge to help me in identifying it as IÂ’ve wondered for ages.
