Quote Originally Posted by Buck25 View Post
Many thanks for the very high quality of all the pictures. It was nice to zoom in on the tables to see what was lurking in the background. The boxed Zenit M repeater is one piece that has eluded me for a number of years. I do hope to find a nice boxed example to add to the collection. Course the boxed Tell 2 was exceptional especially with the Tell pellet tin - another pellet tin that has eluded me.

Looks like the Jaguar had a price in the 200 pound range.

Great to hear that a few forum members where able to get together. Always nice when you can get to share information with fellow collectors. Thank you again for posting such great pictures.
Bruce Jr.
Thank you Bruce.

Yes, these events are a great opportunity to chat with forum members and other collectors.

And it's nice to find a little something for the collection too!

Kind regards,
