It’s come at last – because of old age, I am downsizing and moving a hundred miles to my new place, and there simply isn’t going to be room for all my stuff. As a collector, I have also been a tinkerer, repairing items and making new small parts when I had to; and this results in my having a quantity of spare parts, partial restorations, old telescopic sights, new and used springs and general metallic fallout, all of which is kept in a metal drawer unit in my workshop. All of that has to go, and I’d rather that it went to a fellow-tinkerer than be scrapped.
I have decided that I must also reduce my collection – and being a spring-air devotee, I will be shedding a number of CO2 pistols, only keeping the ones which represent the cartridge pistols I used to shoot before Blair’s axe fell. I am also going to shed all of my rifles except one (a Cadet Major), for the same space reason. I have a number of duplicate items – there are 2 Diana model 4 pistols, a few odd Webleys, a Westley Richards Highest Possible, 2 EM-GE Zenit, a large-frame Hubertus, a Phoenix Hyscore, and others. By the way, I live near Sevenoaks.
Anybody interested?
