If you are a shooter you just want a sweet shooting, pellet on pellet, rifle. A Stage 1 that can deliver that is plenty great, and worth having.
Heck, I'd prefer an older rifle that delivers than a new rifle that twangs and bangs that doesn't.
I think the point being made is that a Venom sticker doesn't mean open cheque book price, but still holds value if sweet shooting.
When moving on a good rifle you just want it to find a good home at a respectful price. There are a few here that would enjoy the fact it is a Venom Stage 1, and most importantly get joy from shooting such an example. Adds to the interest, and to the hobby.
What fun.

Papers don't often come with rifle that were bought: "its to shoot rats in the farmyard". Rifles that were put together to be used, and used. Not to collect to look great in the cabinet.