Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
Yep, crazy indeed, Nick. Sarah did a few tests last week as she felt ropey. All negative until last night's.

Lots of inconsistencies with various institutions, too.......Work, quite rightly, say to stay off. The 16 year old lad's school (he's negative so far) have said that he must go to school despite three of us testing positive. But he can't get there under his own steam due to his condition and the distance, so getting him to school means one of us leaving the house and having to drive him?

Frankie's college have said she must isolate for TEN days (although the govt ruling is seven following negative tests on days 6 and 7) and do a PCR.

Everything's all over the place at the moment with the right hand not knowing what the left is doing and seemingly not much clarity. Pretty much out of control, methinks, with no proper steerage.

Never mind, eh, at least the numpties can still pile into pubs, clubs, football stadiums etc., get hammered, hug and cuddle and lick each other with no limitations etc........WTF???
Certainly is one big crazy mess tone

My wife Sarah works in HR for a big firm in Derby with 1000’s of staff she’s dealt with all the Covid related staffing issues from day one.

Sod that I’ve even banned her from discussing it at home as it drives me insane with what she has to deal with