A huge thank you to Peter and Liz Binfield alongside their wonderful team of helpers for putting on yet another successful fair. Trade looked brisk and the charity buckets looked to have lots of notes sticking out of them thanks to the generosity of fair visitors.

It was great to catch up with friends and have a natter about old airguns. It was also great to be able to buy one or two

A highlight for me was a pre WW1 BSA Sporting Pattern in an original pine BSA case - It's not often you see one of these for sale. Another stall had original BSA mainsprings as well as Webley springs with the factory tags still attached, so it was possible to add original springs to this lovely set.

One of my failings is I'm not very observant and often suffer from gun blindness. It's an understandable condition when you look at Tim Dyson's stalls, which could easily fill a gun shop's display racks and cases. I was going from stall to stall snapping pictures only to return to a stall later in the morning to have a boxed Crosman 400 pointed out to me. Would you like a photo of that? asked the owner, as boxed 400s are not exactly common. I then realised I had already snapped it earlier when taking photos of the stall. See if you can spot it in the attached photos. Anyway, I answered no, I don't want a photo as I took one earlier but I will buy her, as she sat there in splendid condition tempting me to take her home with me

I was shown a Crosman 451 that was in working order and an inline pump Giffard, which was the first I had ever come across.

You could also buy a copy of Quentin Cobham's excellent book on spring gun maintenance at a discounted show price.

There were pellet tins galore and I have snapped some of these to give a flavour of what was on show.

Right, that's enough pre-amble. Please enjoy the photos linked below.


John M