After leaving Lea Valley airgun club we haven't shot a proper Vintage comp for a year and a half, and we were happy to finally attend the BFTO monthly vintage shoot at Bisley.

For those who don't know it's for pre 1970 spring air rifles with open or diopter sights.
The comp consists of three rounds of 5 shots at a 6yd bell, 10yd 'Sniper shot' which is through a scope to a bell, and finally 5 side on playing cards at 8 yds, which is something we have never shot before, and were particularly looking forward to trying. It was nice and relaxed and scorecards were filled in along the way.

I brought my 1905 Britannia with peep sights, 1910 Light pattern and 1965 Tyro FWB150 and alternated between them, which was great fun.
Most people had a BSA Lincoln jeffries underlever, or a later Airsporter.

Mariana shot her beloved Walther LG55 in a lovely Tyrolean stock (lead lump removed from the forend) and was light heartedly accused of being a 'Ringer' as she shot so well.

Not only did she win the comp overall, but along with a regular member she managed to split a playing card! Apparently this doesn't happen very often.






We couldn't have hoped for a better return to Vintage competitions.
The people there were very welcoming, no one took it that seriously and the variety of targets made for a very fun morning's shooting.

Thanks to the guys that organised the shoot, can't wait for the next one.
