Quote Originally Posted by baldinio View Post
aren't all the modern gas rams sealed units that you can't alter the pressure on mate? If you've got one like a theoben ram with a valve in it I would say use a stirrup or scissor pump as it's easy to over fill them, the theoben ones don't take much pressure at all. There's a vast difference between the he and none he rams too in terms of operating pressure. Forgive me if I'm teaching my granny to suck eggs here by the way. Probably should have asked at the start, what ram you pressurising?
I always took it that the rod was sealed by a lip seal, Chris.

So if you put the ram in a pressure chamber and increase the chamber pressure above the ram's internal pressure, then pressure will go past the lip seal and increase the internal pressure.

Obviously, if this is how they work then you can only increase ram pressure as there's no way of letting pressure out of the ram.

All the best Mick