Lots of opinions but still no facts regarding this.
Both my rifles run 11.5+ with the exact same pellet that luckily works really well in both. Now I don't own or possess any other pellets, after testing and rejected they were given in to the club for others to try.
So what law have I broken? Yes I could find a pellet to top 12ftlb in one or both my rifles, but I haven't. I only possess 1 pellet and the chrono proves the combo is legal, I record the test results and keep them. Surely there has to be some sort of common sense here. I am not interested in FAC air, never have been. I have said many times that for me a perfectly placed 7.9 grain premier takes out any airgun quarry at FT ranges, and at which I practice a lot. Most people set the springers power lower to make the recoil more sedate, and not really anything to do with the law.
Why have a legal limit of 12ftlb and then have to run your rifle at 10-10.5 to make sure you are always legal with pellet, lube or test someone may do.
Your car can sit at 30mph in a 30 zone but has serious potential to go over the limit by simply pressing a pedal, but you don't and therefore haven't broken the law.
I am interested in the facts though, someone's genuine experience on either side of the law.

Do we need this thread, not sure, I for one would like some facts, and to me it is better than the "recommend me a pair of trainers" or "what's ya favourite colour" threads.