Every now and then a thread appears that could easily begin with the words 'If only .....' It then continues 'company XYZ had done this or that to this or that then they would have had a winner ....'. Or words to that effect. I am sure anyone can appreciate or recollect such threads. Now I am not in a position to say the posters of such threads are wrong, indeed in many cases I agree with them. But it begs the question: Why did company XYZ not take such action, before or after the suggested course, to produce a winner?
Is there anyone that has definitive insider knowledge they could share? Have our posters just got it wrong and don't understand market trends? Is it all down to economics and the risks involved? Rather than get a plethora of biased opinions it would, for a change, be nice to hear first hand why suggested changes were not acted upon. Or is it all industrial secrets?

Just wondering like
Cheers, Phil