Hi peeps, I noticed that this thread had slipped down to the bottom of page 2 so I thought I’d give it a bump or should I say”Boing” to the top, for anyone perusing the page for the first time.
Anyone needing to get the gist of what the Bash is all about, consult the ‘Boinger Bash May 4th/5th on that thread on page 1 of this section, first page, to get an idea of what it’s all about …BUT, the best way to get an idea of what it’s all about is to sign up for one or more of the weekends, scheduled for the first weekends of May, August and September!

I’ve attended 10 Bashes in 10 years despite it being a 650 mile return trip and it’s certainly been worth it! …. So push the boat out and have a go… You won’t regret it!! Great experience guaranteed!
A’ the Best, Graeme ;>)