hi all.

Wet bank holiday afternoon problem/ query, sitting in the garage.... and yes I know that not all chronos are created equally .

I would like to adjust the FX to read the same as the LMBR as it is the easier as their is a calibration option in the advanced settings. Any maths geniuses out there to work out what -% I need to adjust the FX ( maximum adjustment +/-2%). No point having this option if I'm, not going to use it. I have tried going up in .5 increments but that is just wasting pellets so going down the mathematical route.

LMBR reads 7.6ft/lbs, FX reads 7.8 ft/lbs.

shots fired through the LMBR which is directly over the FX

Its not a major issue as they are all within legal limits, just want to see if its possible.