Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
But, the method doesnt appeal to my sense of the way things 'should be' or your 'ideal world' scenario.

I should imagine, that packing the rear scope mount will misalign the fit of the tube through the front mount by tilting the scope by a tad, and that doent fit with my ideal either.
I fully support you Barry, stick to your principles and do it right! If you want to be even more fussy, insist on one piece mounts, and lap the tube to the mounts to avoid any misaligment strain on the tube.

Tedious but satisfying.

P.S. on a lot of (especially German) scopes from years back there was only elevation adjustment, no windage adjustment; the elevation turret had no cover as you were expected to adjust it in the field rather than doing "hold over/hold under". There was no windage turret because you were expected to have adjusted/aligned the mounts in the first place.