After helping to set out the course for the Kibworth open, Woody, Ting and myself went to one of my shoots with some half clays to have a bash at this long range lark. Woody was twidling with his nobs so K and I paced out 80 yards and after a couple of sighting shots we were getting 25% success. So we went to 100 yards more sighting shots and it was 1 nil to Ryan! Next we paced out to 150 and it got hard! After 20 or so sighting shots Ting got 1!
He was using a tx I was using the dommie.
The toxicity of lead varies, depending upon the weight of its doseage and its velocity!
The toxicity of lead varies, depending upon the weight of its doseage and its velocity!
I was the first to hit one at 88y...From the Knee . 1 sighting shot and the 2nd killed it, but then as Ryan said I went off to play with my knobs on the zero range
I didn’t see the 150 yard shot K made, but damn did you hear him lol
Daystate MK4