I have the 3-12x44 Mamba and initial findings are superb!

Out of the box you get just what we have come to expect from MTC , a solid well built scope with all the extra's thrown in. Worthy of a mention are the new spec scope mounts...you would pay at least £25 to get mounts of this quality and they even have tape in the rings so the scope doesn't get marked.

Optics are bright and clear as with the Viper range ( same glass ) and i have opted for the 4A German ret which so far still has me smiling it has already accounted for 1 woodie & 1 squirrel today

I have bought this scope with a view to using it with my Merlin & Laser NV combo due to the low level turrets and can so far confirm that the cage will fit. I used electrical tape to build up the eye piece to the same height as the knurled fast focus ring and also provide a snug fit. The cage does not slide all the way on due to the raised IR "lip" but is only about 5mm shy.

I hope to get out and use the scope and NV tomorrow night so i'll let you know how i get on.

I know this has been said before but its true , when you open the box you are looking at a scope that can comfortably hold its own when compared to scopes 2 & 3 times its cost ( £184 ) and you don't have to spend even more cash getting quality mounts and metal flip up's!

Not had chance to use the IR in anger yet but can say it is very subtle on the dot , even on maximum setting it is nice and crisp with no blurring.

Another winner for MTC i think.
