Quote Originally Posted by Gareth W-B View Post
And I had better get in quick to third it as if I don't and have to count any higher, reckon I'll need an abacus . Joking to one side though, yep many thanks Ed, and although it maybe a little early, Merry Christmas and many thanks to all who have made this section what it has become (it's always nice to commune with fellow addicts and anoraks ). Atvb: Gareth W-B.
Aww, I wanted to be third. Okay then, consider it fourth'ded.

If it weren't for Edward paying for this site, I wouldn't have have (virtually rather than in person) met the many sound chaps I have enjoyed dealing with and bantering with over the last 2 years.

I certainly wouldn't have had the chance and the privilege to own so many fine examples of airgun engineering, both new and vintage, if it weren't for this site, even if my ownership of them is sometimes fleeting.

Long may it continue.