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Thread: My permission letters

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    "Rabbits can dig up your paddock causing holes which stock may injure them-selves; they can also bury around the footings of buildings causing them to be unstable. Rabbits have been known to consume considerable portions of feed laid out for stocks in paddocks.

    hi jackel, a minor ammendment to you excellent letter,

    "bury"- should read "burrow"

    very minor but could make a difference.

    regards, john.

    jeez, i'm such a pedant

    btw, the cheque went in the post yesterday (thought i posted this earlier but it wasn't there, i must've forgotten to press the 'submit reply' button

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Cleveland, Middlesbrough.
    Thanks Jackel much appreciated.

    I was going to ask that too Matt



  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well if we're being picky.....

    When you say 'potently fatal', do you mean 'potentially'?
    Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man

  4. #19
    Jackel's Avatar
    Jackel is offline Welding guru and moderator to the stars
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    Hence the chop and change statement at the bottom I did these letters about 3 yrs ago and havn't needed them as I gained a shoot fairly quickly
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  5. #20
    Jackel's Avatar
    Jackel is offline Welding guru and moderator to the stars
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    Quote Originally Posted by peter pounds View Post
    I cant see any mention of being with the BASC, which I hope you are. I would definately mention this and that you are fully insured.
    I have this in my letter for golf courses We are both members of the air rifle shooters association with a personnel liability of two million pounds

    As most of the farmers know I'm not an idiot they are happy with the disclaimer saying if I am injured I'll not sue them getting the basc is just something I never got round to signing up for
    The impossible I do immediately, miracles take 24 hours..


  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Thumbs up thanx

    Thanks Jackel, this has saved me a lot of stress letters arn't my strong point
    top gob
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  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Excellent letter but; the disclaimer on the permission contract need to be specific about who it indemnifies (landowner or tenant, farm workers employed by them etc.)

    Otherwise you are basicly indemnifing your own accident and injury insurance that probably comes with the air-rifle shooters association (I know my BASC insurance covers it.) Which would be a bind if u slipped and broke something major while out doing vermin control; you are stopping yourself claiming against your own insurance which can be a great help if the injury incapacitates you for several months and you can't work.

    Also if you were injured as a result of some anti who has tresspassed onto the land to try and disrupt legal pest control then; neither the landowner or yourself would want you to sign away the right to sue the trespassing anti who has commited a criminal offence (aggrivated tresspass) from the moment he stepped onto the land with the intent to stop you shooting.

    If a trespassing-anti assualted or otherwise caused me to become injured during my duties when I used to do pest-control; I would certainly want to get compensation for the bodily harm they may have inflicted on me.

    Just my thoughts thats all.


    P.S: Have you checked the "Airgun shooter assocation" will cover you for public liability while using firearms and shot guns?
    Last edited by mr_colt; 30-01-2008 at 04:57 AM.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    These permission letters seem all well and good, but I'm afraid I know what my farmer would say if I presented him with a load of official looking documents to read and sign - it'd be something along the lines of "you've got to be **********ing joking!" followed by "you'd better look elsewhere for somewhere to shoot". If I also started telling my farmer about all the various types of pests and the damage they could cause, he'd be (rightly) insulted and tell me to p*ss off.

    We have a very informal arrangement:

    We've checked each other out face to face.
    He's seen my insurance.
    We have each other's phone numbers (including my mobile)
    I phone before I go onto his land (so that he knows I'm there and not some trespasser he has to worry about)
    I stay out of any fields he's working in.

    We certainly haven't signed any agreements, waivers, disclaimers or other made-up legal sounding documents (has anyone actually had a lawyer cast his eye over one of these 'permission' letters - would they have any legal weight?).

    It's an entirely different case if you are working in a professional capacity, but for us unpaid hobbyists, I'd think carefully before you alienate a hard won land owner with too much officialdom and 'teaching him to suck eggs'.

    Just my humble opinion


  9. #24
    Dan D Guest
    Thanks Jackal

    I have been in the process of putting some letters together & none sound quite as good as yours... Infact they're rubbish.

    Time to get copy & pasting.

    Thanks mate.


  10. #25
    Renegade Master is offline They mostly come at night, mostly
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    Cheers for the permision slip, got it signed Sunday so now ready to do some recon before I begin hunting.

    Cheers mate


  11. #26
    Jackel's Avatar
    Jackel is offline Welding guru and moderator to the stars
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattW View Post
    These permission letters seem all well and good, but I'm afraid I know what my farmer would say if I presented him with a load of official looking documents to read and sign - it'd be something along the lines of "you've got to be ******************ing joking!" followed by "you'd better look elsewhere for somewhere to shoot". If I also started telling my farmer about all the various types of pests and the damage they could cause, he'd be (rightly) insulted and tell me to p*ss off.

    We have a very informal arrangement:

    We've checked each other out face to face.
    He's seen my insurance.
    We have each other's phone numbers (including my mobile)
    I phone before I go onto his land (so that he knows I'm there and not some trespasser he has to worry about)
    I stay out of any fields he's working in.

    We certainly haven't signed any agreements, waivers, disclaimers or other made-up legal sounding documents (has anyone actually had a lawyer cast his eye over one of these 'permission' letters - would they have any legal weight?).

    It's an entirely different case if you are working in a professional capacity, but for us unpaid hobbyists, I'd think carefully before you alienate a hard won land owner with too much officialdom and 'teaching him to suck eggs'.

    Just my humble opinion

    Thanks for your opinion I shall file it in draw B1n
    The impossible I do immediately, miracles take 24 hours..


  12. #27
    Join Date
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    I Thank You Sir

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackel View Post
    Thanks for your opinion I shall file it in draw B1n
    File it whichever drawer you like, it'd be boring if we just had one point of view though wouldn't it?


  14. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    some interesting views flying round all with merit its horses for courses.

    I will pm you later matt thanks for the offer. The one at the top of this thread looks like a good one to send to a golf course etc

    Are golf courses any good for rabbits and stuff?

    Excuse my ignorance but hey if i dont ask i wont find out

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackel View Post

    Dear Sir/ Madam
    Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is XXXX XXXXX, I am a XX years old air gun hunter living in the xxxxxx area. I am writing to you concerning any pest control problems you may have on your farm and farm buildings.

    There are many species of pests including:

    Feral Pigeons, in areas close to towns they may use nearby farm buildings and lofts for a night-time roost. Feral's carry lice and their excrement is both toxic and disease ridden including tuberculosis, encephalitis, lyme's disease (pigeon fanciers lung) paratyphoid, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, and a type of flu all these diseases are potently fatal they also cause untold crop damage.

    Rats, which consume and contaminate feed as well as chew through electric cables and nest in the walls of buildings, silos and water tanks. They also carry a pretty nasty disease called weil's disease which is life threatening

    Crows and magpies, these animals carry lice and a host of other parasites, they damage the nests of songbirds, by raiding the nests and eating the eggs. Crows have also been known to attack new born lambs.

    Rabbits can dig up your paddock causing holes which stock may injure them-selves; they can also bury around the footings of buildings causing them to be unstable. Rabbits have been known to consume considerable portions of feed laid out for stocks in paddocks.

    The above list is the more common species but there are also jays, jackdaws, rooks, collard dove, grey squirrel, magpies, mink,and foxes.

    I am fully licensed and a responsible shooter, and an active member of the Cleveland gun club, I would be willing to sign a total disclaimer for any injury that I occur whilst on the property.

    I shoot with a whisper quiet air rifle, but I also have the option of using an rimfire rifle, or shotguns, that are all able to humanely dispatch these pests safely.

    I am a courteous, patient and intelligent person by nature, always willing to learn, and follow instructions to the letter. I ask nothing in return for my services other than a continuous right to hunt the property and a friendly wave as I come and go.

    I will dispose of all pests off the property and any quality game such as rabbit or pigeon first offered the property owner.

    Thank-you for giving me a little of your time, I do apologise to any anti hunters I may have inadvertently sent this letter to,but rest assured I am doing my best to actively promote safe hunting and removal of pest species.

    If you are interested in my services please write to me at the address above, call me on xxxxxxxxxxx (home) xxxxxxxxxxx (mobile) or EMAIL me at xxxxxxxxxxxx thank-you, I hope to hear from you soon.

    Pest removal disclaimer

    This document is to certify that ____________,of ________________, has been given permission by the
    owners of __________________________ to hunt on their property for pest species such as

    All hunting will be carried out with a _______________________________________

    And all care taken to ensure safe shooting practices whether in open countryside or around buildings and structures.

    All hunting will tale place between the hours of ______________, and __________on days deeded appropriate by the owners, with a "double check " phone call made the night before any proposed hunt.

    All pest species eradicated will be removed and disposed of off the property by the hunter and regular reports on pest removal success forwarded to the owners.

    No payment is asked for in return for these services. However a signature on the following disclaimer would be appreciated to cover both parties in the event of damage to property, injury, or death.

    I, XXXX XXXXX, having been given permission to hunt _______________________, do hereby renounce and
    relinquish any claim to my personnel injury; or my death, while on the property for the purpose of pest

    Signed: ____________________ date_________________

    I, _______________________________________, having given XXXX XXXXX permission to hunt___________________________ accept all terms and conditions of this disclaimer and agreements entered
    into forthwith.

    Signed: ____________________ Date__________________

    Dear Course Manager

    It may be of interest to you that my father and I offer a free pest control service to golf clubs and to farmers, helping to remove vermin (rats, crows,magpies, rabbits, etc) discretely and quietly as not to offend, usually using standard air rifles, however,we are both shotgun certificate holders. I also hold
    a firearms certificate for rimfire rifles. We are both members of the air rifle shooters association
    with a personnel liability of two million pounds.

    If you were to use our services all that we wouldrequire from you is written approval stating that we have authority to shoot on your land.

    I hope that you will give this letter consideration and remind you that a rabbit problem is a costly one if left to it's own devices.

    Please feel free to contact me on my E-mail address, which is xxxxxxxxxxxxx or on the above phone

    I thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

    Yours faithfully

    Tel xxxxxxxx
    Mobile xxxxxxxx
    E-mail xxxxxxxxxxx
    Dear Sir
    I am writing to you with regarding vermin shooting rights in the Cleveland area. I know that most estates have their own shooting syndicates that control the vermin. If possible could send me details or a map of
    your boundary's so as not to approach your tenants?

    Yours thankfully

    The first one I normally send to farmers, 2nd one is a disclaimer, 3rd one I send to golf courses and the 4th one I send to shooting estates or landowners

    Just chop and change these as you see fit as a template

    Sorry about the text just cut and paste'd from my email folder(now altered)
    I just got me new SO6 EELL.........AH, my precious!
    Good deals with:steptoe,O'ringer,mancsmike2 and another great guy that bought me MFR....remind me!

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