Quote Originally Posted by biggles View Post
BUT, in terms of promoting the sport to 'outsiders' (including many of the BBS community), I'd strongly encourage the Association to add to the web site the sort of thing that most of us have on ours, quite often on our home pages. i.e. a "welcome to the sport" section, describing what it's all about, the different disciplines and classes and the equipment, etc. AND how people with an interest can become involved. Ever increasingly so, we need all the new people we can in our sports.

As, with their staff shortages, I imagine they have little time to trawl the BBS (), I'll find a way of expressing this opinion directly to the NSRA web meister.


Excellent ideas and well put. NSRA has been hampered for decades by some fuddy-duddy ideas. I hope as time goes by, we can give more enouragement to get new members in and some fresh ideas.