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Thread: webley ranger

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    webley ranger

    Hi, i got hold of a webley ranger a few months ago took it home put it in the corner and nearly forgot about it till yesturday. I had a bit of time to myself so i thought ill have a plink with it. Its open sighted and my god it is the most accurate gun ive got, every shot is consistant not one flyer in about an hours shooting. It would be nice to hear if anyone else uses one of these, i know its a boys rifle but im a slightly older boy.The only thing that lets it down is that it has self tappers on the front of the stock, many thanks kev

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    hi kev, nice to see some-one else from kidderminster

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Hi Kev, I have had the same experience with the ranger but unfortunately not my own. So I have been looking out for one ever since. It doesn't sound like your going to but, if you want to sell it let me know. omant.

  4. #4
    Sam Vimes is offline Vanquished a Weihrauch evangelist with a gasram
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    Richmond, North Yorkshire.
    I have one and, considering it's age and that it's supposedly a boys gun, I like it a lot. It's far better than the similar vintage tin plate or sleeved barrel Webleys that I've encountered. I just need to find a new leather piston seal for mine although it shoots well enough all be it at very low power.
    Fabricatum diem, pvnc!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Middleton, Manchester

    Webley Ranger

    I bought one of this recently for nostalgia reasons, and it brought back memories of the times in the late 50s when we were happy to just shoot and hit small targets, without bothering if the gun was powerful. When we went after POWER, we lost the light, handy little rifle which gave a lot of us older shooters so much pleasure.

    Life is to be enjoyed, not endured.

  6. #6
    ggggr's Avatar
    ggggr is offline part time super hero and seeker of justice
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    Flintshire Ch6 sort of near bagillt

    Webley Ranger.

    I got one of these for my niece-- She loves it.
    Ive got one myself and plink with it + Diana 22 and a rough jaguar with a bsa 4x20 scope on it. I got ripped off with the jaguar as I ordered it from a gunshop and had it delivered to one. Got it home and started to plink---The shots were a foot low and it was really weak. Adjusted the scope and it hit things. Took it down for my niece to try and she loved it so much I bought her a ranger for her birthday! Stripped the jaguar and the piston was mangled so I got one from nibbs( the diana 22 piston washer is held by a screw rather than that funny nut arrangement which mangles when the washer wears out).
    The stock screws had self tappers in so I tapped them out to 2ba and put bras screws in. It always puts a smile on my face when I use it.

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