Quote Originally Posted by Kingplinker View Post
At a recent HFT shoot the only way to see a target for the majority of shooters was to lay down with legs akimbo with meat and two veg wedged in tight against a tree. If you think that was bad , at nob height ( approx 9 inches in my case ) were a stack of stinging nettles eager to bypass my clothing and attack my veg with every sudden movement I made !

Now all that is before I put a pellet in my gun and once in position and getting my first sight of the target I find its placed in between opposing trees at different distances and the area in front of my barrel was like trying to look through Bil Oddie's beard !!!

My nob hurt , my neck hurt , my back hurt and I don't like Bill Oddie but nevertheless I lined my shot up and down went the target .... hey presto , big smile - I dust myself down and find some medicinal leaves and its on to the next target .

Regardless of our moans and groans the majority will shoot again next week and I guarantee something will pi$$ them off but also make them smile .

Welcome to Hunter Field Target , enjoy


This so far is a perfect take on HFT....