Today I got my first Wedgie??

I quite enjoyed it,

Sir Steve Prime 3rd int World and Lady Sarah were kind enough to give me a lift to Rough Wedge today along with Springer Sniper Lloyd Upton,

I was impressed to Sh%t! what a warm and friendly welcome from everyone there, nice to see Gold and young Jack and many others,

I really enjoyed the coppiced shoot area (Oh! did I mention I started with a Doughnut on number one )

Then it rained a little (stair rods/bucketed) I was well chuff! my other half had checked the forecast and I bought along my FX Tactical, I like the tandem target setup as when I Screw Up! target one I can pickup 2 on target 2 (maybe)

Thanks to everyone involved for a magic day,

Bernard aka Ratgunner.