My view of the same day.

"Well, today really opened my eyes.

Met Pete, as posted above, its great to meet people that we talk to so often.

The contrast between the on-site facilities cannot be over-emphasised.

The look on Rosie's face when the range was dry inside was a great start to the day, and made me realise how small improvements can make life more bearable and facilities more welcoming.

The ditch was dug, and a repair made to the guttering to keep the water away from the building, not earth shattering stuff, but moving toward keeping the place watertight.

The toilets and sinks are in desperate need of replacement, yet all the way around Rosie was telling us what's going where, and how its going to be once its done. It certainly has loads of potential!

Watching Di shoot was awe inspiring, the level of concentration and discipline required to shoot that well was clear, watching Pete shoot at a similar target he showed how far she is ahead of us!
I chickened out due to my fear of making myself look a complete Berk!"

Pete shooting at 10m, with Diane in the background

Look at Pete's score, not the hat!