Quote Originally Posted by Jolly Green Hobbit View Post
Hey Spongey,I used that name in the end LOL....Suits me Sir, Bee's or no Bee's,us hobbits will BEE there on Sunday,and it's you Oakies that are gonna get STUNG
....Jeez...us...Mr pint size Jolly G that took some doing (Click on "quote" above post) It looks like i have just opened the formula, for the molecular structure of the universe!!
(Do like the Sig!!)
Quote Originally Posted by simmmo View Post
If I was you mate, knowing how crap the rest of you Brighton sphincter pushers are at HFT I would shoot rather than snap in the forlorn hope of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. Lets face it Mikeeeeeeeey Chris and his off-spring, Spencer and the Fairmans aren't exactly great photogenic material.

We are all happily married, not a Spinster among us!
Good thing about being A Hobbit is you don't need to leave the Woodland to procreate, there are plenty of friends available.........with a Pool of Genes a Flea couldn't bathe in!!
Sorry, been looking at cars, not been on much!!

Colin, if you are fit (read as alive) you are welcome to snap away at our event, be good to see you....maybe you could accompany Simmmmy around and take a short bit of footage of every shot...........should be good for U Tube!