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Thread: Rumour about campaign to get magazine fed airguns on Sec1 FAC?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2000

    Rumour about campaign to get magazine fed airguns on Sec1 FAC?

    I read on a thread on here the other day that the GCN are now trying to get magazine-fed airguns declared as section 1 firearms but cannot for the life of me find the thread now.

    If anyone on here has heard anything about this, please can they post anything they know here? Obviously I would prefer concrete info rather than rumour and don't want to alarm anyone or start any fresh rumours with this thread. Is there anything in this?

    Of course I cannot see any justification for this at all, if true, it's just another example of the ****ing antis trying to pick us off a few at a time...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Dounby, Orkney
    Well, at least our members are getting coverage on GCN's site:

    An earlier article described an email bulletin board, AirGunBBS, which has dozens of messages from lampers using such sign-ons as "rabbit blaster".

  3. #3
    draftsmann Guest
    Don't lose your hair over them Rob. They are a bunch of dried-up bitter old bitches who desperately need a good rogering.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Huddersfield, UK
    except of course, that no one is that generous!!

  5. #5
    draftsmann Guest
    Quite so, Rob

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    "the GCN are now trying to get magazine-fed airguns declared as section 1 firearms"

    bugger me id better get the wallet out and get me some more guns before they'r all banned

    GCN = frustrated natzi's,

    lots of takedowns

  7. #7
    robspark Guest

    Red face

    Problem is, someone out there listens to GCN & their associates, but how may times will people listen to "us"?

    I'll be just another nail in the coffin, one day they'll get around to banning pea shooters when they're run out of places to stick another nail. Justification will be, one person blinded by flying projectile fired from straw....

    Enjoy it while it lasts

  8. #8
    Mohawk Guest


    If there is a god in this world (which I don't believe) or any sence left at all, then in the words of one Kenny Everett;-

    "Round them up, put them in a field & bomb the ba5tards"

    That will put an end to there incessant liberal nanny state medling. If kids today were still being clipped round the ear by the coppers & sh!t on from a great height by their fathers like a few years ago, they would be much better people for it & wouldn't need these Aunti's looking after them !

    Lets form an Anti Anti's group, the government always listen to the anti's & ignore the target group, so lets get ahead & become the numero uno Anti group in the country

    I don't think the anti's will succeed so easily with there next chosen group.
    "I say old chap was that a rabbit in the hedge",
    "Why yes squire go on give it both barrels",
    "Well bug-gar me Smithers, there was a sabotur in the hedge as well, he ought to be in the Olympics, look at him run Lucky I didn't shoot him by accident",
    "Well squire if they will go round trespassing & sneaking around in the undergrowth when gentlemen are out shooting, they had better be very CAREFULL they don't get shot !"

    Personally, I don't think an accidental shooting could happen to a more deserving type

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Cradley Heath
    GCN welcomes the APPG’s recommendation to universalise the minimum age for unsupervised possession and use of airguns to 17 years. Furthermore we urge the government to introduce an enforceable licensing system for all new purchases and a ban on the sale of airguns except through Licensed Firearms Dealers.

    The government continues to treat airguns as a ‘nuisance’ and fails to appreciate their lethality.
    Children are regularly injured and occasionally killed by airguns, and thousands of animals and birds are killed and maimed every year. Perhaps airguns were once, in a gentler age, just toys for boys, but in the current environment of increasing gun crime and a growing gun culture this no longer pertains. Airguns are not toys – they are lethal weapons and should be treated as such. We welcome the APPG’s recommendation that the courts take airgun misuse more seriously.

    So just how many people have been killed by airguns?

    I have never seen such bigotted hatred for a minority group (legitimate shooters).

    Why don't they campaign to ban cars? They are perfectly safe when used legitimately but more people die from their misuse than through firearms in the UK and being an 'accident' is no excuse for a firearm so why must this be so for a car?

    This highlights so brilliantly what's wrong with this nation, we can't do the mature thing and try and deal with an issue maturely, we have to try and destroy it. Anybody care to consider that policy in the light of the drug situation in the Uk compared to say, Holland?
    I play a Fender bass, I shoot a springer. I like things to be, well, dependable

  10. #10
    fanjules Guest
    The GCN argument is misguided. I assume that most airgun deaths are with kids, since there bodies are a lot smaller and thinner mass to the vital organs. And from what I've heard, a lot of the incidents are a result of an unsecured airgun coming into a hand of a child. But then, that goes for many other dangerous stuff in the household, such as bleach, powertools, etc. and I'm sure there are a lot more deaths from that annually than airguns.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    We have a lot of common ground with these GCN people.

    "Airguns are not toys – they are lethal weapons and should be treated as such. We welcome the APPG’s recommendation that the courts take airgun misuse more seriously"

    Just look at the outrage you get on here when the courts let people off with suspended sentences, ASBO's and often even less. IMO The GCN people are mostly good people who are simply overreacting to a poor legal system that has let them down by continually failing to protect victims from crime, they have directed their attention to the tools the criminals use rather than the criminals themselves. I use the word criminal in the context that every time an airgun is misused the laws of our land have already been broken and technically a crime has been commited, ergo......they are criminals.
    If the courts dealt with them as criminals rather than slightly misguided or poorly educated people, the word would not take long to get around.

    I would advocate a charge of attempted murder against anyone found to have deliberately fired an airgun at another human being and would welcome the sentencing to match.

  12. #12
    fanjules Guest
    Actually yes Mad Pierre - I agree. This intent to ban specifically multishot airguns is comical though since I doubt the multishot capability played any part in any airgun deaths.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Yeah just imagine an airgun 'accident' with a multi shot.....
    It accidentally went off 10 times in my mates face your honour!

  14. #14
    fanjules Guest
    The definition of what GCN want, and what the legislation would actually be is interesting. I read "magazine fed" as full power rifles with magazines, however I presume it also means all those CO2 airguns with magazines too. I'm not certain if integral "magazines" or non-removable "reservoirs" would be included too, but yeah I guess it would be wrote to include anything "multishot". I think it's unfortunate if anybody who had to give up their firearm/pistol a decade ago and got a brocock revolver, and then surrended it and got a CO2 revolver, only to lose that too!

  15. #15
    Tommy B Guest

    Vote winners...

    My feeling is that the current goverment will always go for the vote winner. For this reason I don't think they dare piss off anyone else who lives in rural Britain. The country side alliance whilst not succeeding (yet) in getting the fox hunting ban overturned did do one very important showed the current goverment just how many people/votes the countryside contained....I think they will be very reticent to anger rural britain further. In terms of pure numbers the countryside alliance/rural communities in general outnumber the anti's. I'm sure now that the government has realised were all just a bit more reserved (and quieter) than the fanatical anti's....untill election day that is

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