Hello to you and thanks for taking the time to reply. What a friendly forum this seems to be!

In answer to your question Mark, when I got back to the cottage I bolted on the scope and carefully marked out 25 yds at which to zero in. After a few adjustments I was getting 1/2 inch groups from the FT position (don't know it's official name but where you sit 90 degrees to the target and put your arm on your knees and rest the gun in the crook)..

I put 500 Bisley Pest Control pellets through it that day and I was impressed. I bought the standard Lightning, not the XL and to be honest the build quality seems to be excellent. My only criticism, which I've found to be widespread, is that the trigger is a bit woolly even after adjustment.

I plan to gas ram it in the near future and get some decent optics. I bought the gun at Trago Mills and needed everything there and then and they only had cheap scopes.