Nice review Phil, I could'nt get photo bucket to work so I did'nt do any piccies with my copy of war and peace

Actually, I have to wonder what the hell happened to the second part of Phil Prices review in AGW? This scope has a hell of a lot of potential.

To be honest, I dont really notice the blurr round the edges.

I have 2 of these, a 40mm prototype and a new 32mm unit. I have yet to use the 32mm unit as the rifle it will be living on currently has Nv living on board...sadly there is very little about so it is not getting much time out

What is more noticeable, and may cause concern until you think about it is this.

If you use one off of a bipod you will (oddly enough) be much closer to the deck.

The foreground will be blurred to the bottom band of the image, and the far ground may appear more blurred at the top...wierd until you get used to it.

I have to say that I had a connect 1 for a long time (actually I bloody well regret selling it now, it would have been sensible to keep it) and they were good in some circumstances (longer ranges and squirrelling).

This new Connect has all the advantages of the 01 and none of the disadvantages.

It weighs sod all, it has side focus (almost down to silly close ranges...great for ratting then) has a nice adjustable eye piece (As Phil says, gives extra stability) and the AMD ret is cracking.

The scope is so fast on aim it is silly, and yet it performs better (IMHO) with the AMD out to 50+ than most other rets I have tried (including the SCB) as it is fine enough to be slightly more precise.

A major change against the old Connect is that with this one, if you are sensible, it si far more conventional in eye relief (it has some) so you will be able to use it with some small bore rifles, some well behaved spring guns, and I believe Baz has tried a .223 (although spectacle wearers may come unstuck here, the new eyepiece is better for them too).

I love the way you can adjust it instantly to suit the position...try it at dusk...amazing!!

I reckon with the new crop of LED torches it will be a cracking little lamping scope.

MTC have also got the IR smack on. It can be set so as not to burn the retina!! and the simple centre cross illumination works well and covers most sensible bases for a 35yd zero with .177 for hunting sub12.

I wont be putting these on my spring guns, the mamba lites are fine, and I dont hunt with them, but my main 2 hunting rigs are staying connected