Quote Originally Posted by blackscale View Post
Yep!...Great shooting 56 today!

Well done Bob and Andy...especially Bob with his Boinger!
Spencer on 55 and Charles on 54....that wasn't easy to achieve today!!

My Watch was on the wrong hand, upsetting the balance of my rifle and causing me to not hit the paddly bit!

Just to keep things real....to shoot a springer, to the standard that Bob, Spencer and charles etc, do, is not average....it is way higher than average!
Don't despair if your scores are a lot lower, we always set a VERY challenging course and that will inevitably be reflected in most 'Normal' peoples score!

Great day today, started off very cold...then the sun came out but it was still cold on that field!
Nice going round with you Nick, see you soon hopefully!

Auntie XX
You can try and soften the blow Auntie, but my self esteem is still in my boots. I was able to shoot a springer to a reasonable standard last year, but one year on
They are the work of Beelzebub.

Great to go round with Messers Fairman and Peal, thank you for the good company - top shooting Charles...and thanks for the loan of the fleece when dopey forgot his
