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Thread: Jan McArthur passed away this morning

  1. #121
    Join Date
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    New Orleans

    Thank you all, my friends!

    Jan, speaking through Jim, thanks all of her friends here for their kind thoughts and words expressed in her memory.

    Jan McArthur

    "When a [wo]man is tired of London... [s]he is tired of life!" (Johnson)
    It is the most marvelous city in the world!

  2. #122
    Join Date
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    Sunny Manchester
    Quote Originally Posted by Jan McArthur View Post
    Jan, speaking through Jim, thanks all of her friends here for their kind thoughts and words expressed in her memory.

    I got a cold chill when I saw the author of this post.

    Jim, you and Jan are in our thoughts daily. There are plenty of times - the most recent being last evening - when Cheryl and I talk about you both and remember your UK visit with fondness.

    You are both very special people, and you have a presence which endears others to you. Remember the barman in the pub? He still asks about you every time we walk in.

    That's how you touch other people's lives and enrich them beyond measure by having known you, no matter how briefly.

    Jan had a wonderful, almost childlike innocence about her, a wide-eyed curiosity about anyone she met and such a zest for life. That's what we'll remember, and we keep her alive in our thoughts.

    God Bless you both.

    Mike & Cheryl

  3. #123
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
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    Why, thanks to the both of you!

    I didn't mean to scare anyone! I do keep Jan's Facebook account going: I'm on there more often than I'm on my own Facebook account, though I must admit that I get tired of the general lack of any really meaty discussions on Facebook.

    I'm surprised, but delighted, to learn that the barman at the pub still remembers me.

    I'll be in England in May, but it's part of a whirlwind tour through Wales, the Irish Republic, and hitting Oxford, Stratford, and London. Jan was originally scvheduled to be the college's tour leader. I did a lot of soul-searching before I made up my mind that yes, I think I can bear to go without her, despite the memories of her that will overwhelm me while I'm there.

    Some day, if I'm able, I'd like to come back to England one last time, making my own schedule, just to see all the many good friends we made there.

    You have summed Jan up perfectly! What it's difficult for a lot of people to understand is that she really WAS exactly that sort of person you saw when you met her. Whether she was teaching a class or talking to a neighbor or alone with me, that enthusiasm and energy was always there.

    I miss her terribly, and I know that I always will.

    Your friend always.

    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  4. #124
    Join Date
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    RIP Jan

    All the eloquence has been done Jim, but please accept our seincere condolances.

    Sammie & Gary

  5. #125
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
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    Thank you, Sammie and Gary, for your condolences. And for your eloquence.

    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  6. #126
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
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    Jan has been gone one year today. :- (

    A sad occasion, to be sure. . . yet neither of us will ever forget the kindnesses shown by our many BBS and UBC friends in the wake of this sad occasion. You all have helped me get though this difficult period, and you all have my undying thanks.

    Jim. And Jan.
    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I come on here every 3 months or so, and it sad to read about this. Sorry for your loss.
    I came into this world screaming and kicking covered in someone else's blood, I intend to go out the same way.

  8. #128
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    I can only write this Haiku for you.

    So sad.
    Tears fall.
    For you.
    Last edited by MrGreengrass; 06-10-2011 at 10:06 PM.
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" -- Benjamin Franklin

  9. #129
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
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    Thank you, Woodie, and Mr. Greengrass.

    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  10. #130
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
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    Today I got out to Jan's tomb. . .

    It was the first time I was able to in nearly 3 months, having broken my ankle on 07 December. It sure felt good, being able to resume my old practice.

    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  11. #131
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
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    On Wednesday, 18 July 2012. . .

    . . . it will be two years since my beloved Jan passed into spirit.

    The time flies quickly, my darling, but the pain never goes away.

    I live for the day when we will be together, once again, but in a better and happier world, and forever.

    Your loving Jimmie
    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

  12. #132
    Ruger_shooter's Avatar
    Ruger_shooter is offline Meadowlark Lemon's Personal Tailor
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    Thoughts will be with you tomorrow on the second anniversary of your sad loss. +RIP Jan.

  13. #133
    stagmanv835's Avatar
    stagmanv835 is offline i tend to drink while on the bbs
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    Jim it is amazing how the time flys past, in remembering our loved ones we keep them with us

    On a side note i will be passing your way around the 20th september , if there are any small u.k goodies i could bring over drop me a PM
    You only have the rights you are willing to fight for

  14. #134
    Jim McArthur is offline Frock coat wearing, riverboat dwelling, southern gent
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    New Orleans, Louisiana
    Thank you, everyone. Today was hard for me, but my airgunning brothers and sisters have helped me get through Jan's passing and the first sad anniversary, and today was no exception.

    Stagman, how about an LBR and an English Game Gun! But seriously. . . I'll let you know if I think of something.

    Ever come across any dirt cheap old Webley pistols?

    UBC's Police Pistol Manager
    "Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns." Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

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