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Thread: 200m with a 12ft/lbs .177 HW100?

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Dorking, Surrey

    The Long Ranger

    I shot on the 100 yard range at my club a while back with my sub 12ft lb. Needed an elevation of about two feet or so (and that was a .22 Pro Sport) but still accurate and going fast. We regularly shoot at 85 yards on the FT range as well. On that basis if I was asked 'true or false', I would say 'true'...
    El-bow, the Spanish Archer

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    200 yd shooting

    I think there's no doubt it's "true", the main problem must be getting a perfectly windless day in the UK! No-one knows what is possible until you try yourself. I used to be able to hit a 6ft target at 100yds with a longbow probably every other shot ( no sights whatever ) with lots of practice and I was mediocre next to the good guys and gals. Cubleycat is one of many using airguns at the limit of their ballistics with great skill. My latest craze is bench rest air pistol at 60 yds, iron sights, 6" target. I'm not much good but that gives me a challenge.


  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Kloppville- 10,533 miles from Lake Mulwala.
    Quote Originally Posted by neilurwin View Post
    it is a fake no hw can reach that no even an air arms s410 xtra fac might do it but it would struggle they would of played with it tuned it up
    Sighs.....use chairgun you Newbie!, for an input of 11.9 ft/lds a 14.5 grain pellet will have just over 2.5ft/ld of energy @ 200 yards, maybe NOT enough to kill a dog food type can!, but WELL enough to kill an Ali beer type can!!!!!!!!
    Just clocked it was .22 not .177

    Go cubleycat !!


    If it moves.....shoot it!..If it don't move.....shoot it in case it tries to!!!
    Light travels faster than sound....this is why I appear bright until you hear me speak!!!

  4. #124
    Join Date
    May 2011
    good shooting, great videos.
    meself i love shooting but hate killing so i dont hunt, as such i understand completely why anyone should want to pursue the long range thing that cubleycat has so effectively, or any other form of airgun sport. it says a hell of a lot for the rifle as well as her skill too, must be incredibly consistent.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Barnstaple, North Devon

    Perfectly Capable!

    With lots of elevation and steady aim - EASY. Its surprising though how much the pellet can drop off - I shot an egg at 80yds and got it first shot by turning the turret to my 55yd setting and allowing 4 inches of wind and 2 mill-dots at 10x - but to get the shot steady i had to go prone

    Well Done cubleycat But next time try it standing

    Cheers Chris

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    How far will a .22 go on 12ft/lbs ?

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Rushden / North Bedfordshire
    Quote Originally Posted by benking View Post
    How far will a .22 go on 12ft/lbs ?
    According to Chairgun ~ 450m (@ a muzzle angle of 28 degrees and retaining ~0.8 FtLbf) Which is still probably enough to knock a coke can over

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by cubleycat View Post
    Hi every everyone, I am as you can see the cubleycat herself
    I see some of you think its fake, you are entitled to your own opinion and I thank you for not calling the police but just leaving it at that, but as for the sad looser (if you should read this) who did call the police in a cowardly fashion I hope you realise you have only served to further damage the already troubled name of the shooting community by getting the police involved! the only offence committed here is by you for wasting police time by telling them lies, I do not nor have ever had firearms or ammo nor have I ever indicated such!
    I hope you have a visit from the police over this, I have involved the IPCC so the Sargent will be getting an ear full soon for carrying out a search in an aggressive manor thanks to your lies.
    I don't much care for a person calling the police over a Youtube video, but consider this. There is little doubt in my mind that the caller is not a member of the shooting community. Even if he/she was, they may be ignorant of the capabilities of a .177 air rifle. It's clear from some of the posts on this thread that some forum members have their doubts. With all extremes, and I would suggest that this is extreme shooting, there are going to be people who doubt the truth of the matter. Add those two things together, and it's hardly surprising that someone called the police. It is quite possible that some individual genuinely thought you would have to have a significantly over powered air rifle to make this feat happen. What would you have such a person do?

    There is simply no possibility that the caller has done any damage to shooting, because you have done nothing wrong! Neither has the caller. It is quite possible that the individual had genuine concerns, and did what any good citizen ought to do, which is to report those concerns to the police, which is what they did. That is a wholly different matter from telling lies, an accusation for which there would appear to be no evidence whatsoever.

    Now, the attitude of the police officer/s who did the search on your home is a different matter altogether. Go for the throat, do not accept local resolution. If you are a member of a shooting organisation get them involved. That is the cause of your upset I would suggest. I can only suspect that his weenie shrunk clear back to his rusty sheriff's star at the thought of dealing with an evil firearm that scared him so. Never attribue malice to anything adequately explained by stupidity.

    While I'm here, I'd just like to examine the use of the term 'grass'. Let's clarify. A grass is someone who informs on his associates. He is a fellow criminal. Think of him what you will.

    The term is increasingly used for anyone who reports a crime, or a suspected crime, to the police, especially if they know the person who has committed that crime. If that informant has had nothing to do with the crime, and hasn't used insider knowledge treacherously obtained, then that person is a witness, possibly a victim, but never a grass.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    May be it is possible for the pellet to reach 200m but what the accuracy will be like?

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sceip1 View Post
    May be it is possible for the pellet to reach 200m but what the accuracy will be like?
    Oh do keep up!

    In summary, not exactly brilliant, but in either .22 or .177 given a bit of practise and skill you can group inside a sheet of A4 in calm conditions... and yes I've done it... many times.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    London, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by sceip1 View Post
    May be it is possible for the pellet to reach 200m but what the accuracy will be like?
    It could be very good, surprisingly.

    I have shot out to 70 yards frequently and when calm enlarged one hole groups are possible.
    At Shepreth not long ago, there was a side shoot - 5 shots for a quid - at a knockdown at an unknown range (95 yards I was told later) in dead calm conditions. I ranged it at 100 yards.

    I extrapolated from my 70 yard mark, 1st shot hit the pole, another 1/2 mildot - hit the base, another 1/2 mildot, clean hit in the 40mm kill, target went down.
    Sure there is a lot of luck involved, but this was at 10x mag, 7.9 grn JSB, 11.34 ft/lbs.

    I would feel confident of achieving groups inside an A4 paper at 200 yards, given calm conditions if they ever happen again in the UK, that is

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    ive just spent nearly half hour reading this thread. im now thinking about trying 100m with my stealth as its a .22 im not sure if it would hit 200m. welll done lady cat for giving me a new challenge. ive just looked thru about half a dozen manuals for my rifles and most say range up to 350 to 550 in .22 and my xs38 .22 manual says 1000yards lol gonna watch the vids now.

  13. #133
    KarmaMechanic Guest

    100 yard possible

    We shoot a 100 yard competition for air rifle at my club. The winner this year shot a possible.

    I can't see how hitting a can at 200 yards shouldn't be out of reach - I'm looking forward to giving it a go.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Trowbridge, Wiltshire
    off to you tube right now - I wanna see this, sounds awesome!!

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I can't believe some fag rang the cops like that is very petty they need to have a stern word with their self in the mirror
    Theoben Evolution .177 / Nikko Stirling mount master 6x40AO

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