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Thread: Original 66 FT or HFT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Original 66 FT or HFT

    This might be a draft question but I currently shoot my Original 66 with open sights at 10 meters and was wondering if would work with a scope for FT or HFT. When it was services it was shooting at around 6 foot pounds. I know some clubs allow pistols to enter which I was hoping it would be powerful enough.

    If not any suggestions for a reasonable priced spring rifle or HFT or FT. Anyone every tried the Hansan Mod 60 or 55?

    Many thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Mentioned Original has too low power for something more than 10m I am affraid. New Hatsans (quattro trigger versions) are not so bad. I used mod 60S but I'm not sure it can be used for HFT or FT. I didn't shoot it much, maybe 2000 pellets. But once I was able to do one hole group at 25meters with 5 shots (benchrested). These rifles are designed as FAC, so they kick a bit hard. I tuned my mod 60, was working very nice and smooth. Also I competed once with CO2 air rifles. We were shooting silhouette targets at 40meters (ram, chicken etc. benchrest). I placed second with 14 hits (20 in total), first guy with his recoiless CO2 rifle had 15. So maybe there is potential in these new models. Turkish walnut is a bit soft but nice. Blueing and overall finish (also quality of steel used), still average.
    Current project: Haenel 311

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    In some European countries, where there are lower power limits than here, there are classes for low power target rifles to be used in FT.

    While the power of your 66 is low there is nothing stopping you adding a scope and using it. You will probably find it would be better for HFT with it shorter maximum distance. I have had several FWB Mod300's and have found that with a scope added they are surprisingly useable at knocking down FT targets out to 55 yards.

    I would be inclined to suggest give it a go and if you like the sport save up for a nice rifle specifically for the job.
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  4. #4
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    You will have a loopier trajectory than the other competitors so judging the range will be far more critical, and also cross-winds will open your groups and drift your pellets more than with a more powerful gun. But the rifle is an accurate one and with some good quality round-headed pellets on a still day you should stand a good chance of doing well, especially with standing shots. Like rockdrill says, give it a go and see how you get on. I've shot HFT with a 7 ft/lbs rifle and it was great fun and I did quite well. Get a 6x Mildot scope to give yourself plenty of elevation and lots of aiming marks.

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