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Thread: Grant Aid/Funding for Shooting Clubs

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    South Brent , Devon
    Would this grant be available to a scout group ? I am a recently qualified instructor & need to buy rifles & everything else needed to run a range

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    cash 4 clubs

    cash 4 clubs offer grants every 2 months of £250/£500/£1000

    I would think you are in a good position to apply for equipment for scouts

    Last year I applied for a grant for local scout groups in Leicestershire to use our indoor 25yd range once a week over a 12 week period and the application was successful. Only £500 but it all helps to run the club

    My recent application to cash4 clubs to pay for resurfacing our car park was not successful, but I have just put in another application for money to buy bench rest equipment, tables etc. Fingers crossed
    hold me back !!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Inverness, Highlands, God's own country.

    Awards for All Scotland

    We've just had word that our application for a grant to improve our range & facilities has been approved. £9000, we had asked for the full £10k but they won't fund the purchase of 2nd hand equipment so they knocked off the item in question. Still it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. There's always next year or the year after.

    Don't be put off from applying for these grants, the money's there and Awards for All Scotland have been very helpfull guiding us through the stumbling blocks.
    Pistol & Rifle Shooting in the Highlands with Strathpeffer Rifle & Pistol Club. <StrathRPC at> or google it.
    No longer Pumpin Oil but still Passin Gas!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch
    Well done that man.
    hold me back !!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    Inspired Facilities Grants

    I am not sure how many clubs are aware, but grants are being made available for up to £50,000 for clubs to cover new facilities or improvements to current club buildings etc. The grants are from Sport England (Inspired Facilities)

    Shooting is one of the sports that is listed as eligible for grants although it is one of the high risk sports
    I believe that this grant aid will be available for another 2 years or so, and although there is a lot of work involved in putting a bid together, it is worth applying if you have a new project in mind

    Our club at Groby now has splendid indoor and outdoor rimfire and air rifle LSR and BR facilities but our 10 metre range is quite poor and we need a new building to house a new airgun range, so I will give it a try.Our County Sports Partnership (Leics and Rutland Sport) have agreed to help and advise me.

    Well done to those clubs that have been successful in their applications to date.
    It's a shame there will be little if any legacy for our sport after the Olympic games, hopefully if a few clubs get some cash for new shooting facilities it will ease the blow a little.
    hold me back !!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    Unhappy grant aid

    I applied for this grant £47000 to build a new 10 metre range at Leics and District SBR&PClub and put on a towns water supply to the club house.
    Unfortunately the application was not successful and I was more than disappointed when told we had not got it

    These applications are very time consuming and I probably spent 70-80 hrs working on the application

    The reason given was that the 'Need' part of the application would have been stronger if it had been supported by questionnaires completed by local schools and other organisations to show that they needed this new facility and would use it. (not easy to do particularly with schools).

    Basically it was a new range to replace our existing one in the club room and was being built to improve facilities for existing members.

    I had put so much work into the application that I at first decided not to bother applying for further grant aid.

    However, I noticed yet another opportunity to get money from the local authority under the 'Legacy Scheme' and so I applied for £7500 (the max) to help us put on the water supply
    This was partly successful and we have been offered £3600 towards the project

    So 6 grants applied for in 6 years and 3 have been successful.
    Pity about the big one

    Club members will lend and/or donate the money for the new 10M range and I will then apply for a grant to restore and improve our clubroom facilities (we have already been donated a full size snooker table)
    Last edited by pennineway.fswo; 22-04-2013 at 11:32 AM. Reason: addition
    hold me back !!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    If you've applied for 6 grants you've probably come across them, but I just thought I'd check you've talked to your County Sports Partnership. They can give an "in" to schools. Stuff coming from them gets a lot more credibility than a scary local "gun club" writing to schools asking if their kids would like to come shooting said scary guns. There should be one for every county (so we fall under SASSOT in Staffordshire. Quality of websites may vary from county to county!)
    Last edited by Hemmers; 22-04-2013 at 01:25 PM.
    "A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud
    Shooting is my meditation

  8. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch
    Hi Hemmers

    Yes I had several meetings with our County Sports people based at Loughborough University who reviewed the application prior to submission. They advised us to retry for the grant and offered further help with schools and youth associations

    However we are desperate to get this new range up and running and a further application would have further delayed the project with no guarantee of success so we are starting the build now with loans and donations from our members.

    Back in 2007 the 80 members of the club got together and funded a £80000 indoor 25yd range. These loans are now virtually paid back so I have no doubt that in 18 months time we will have our new range completed or somewhere near.

    Fortunately we have a mobile phone mast company renting part of our land which raises a £5000 each year so this also will help us fund the project

    The demand for membership continues to grow strongly without us promoting our facilities which shows that target shooting is popular. In fact unless we build our new range we may have to consider limitations on membership numbers.
    hold me back !!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Holwell Rifle Club has just had a grant £3100 from the Leicestershire County Council Legacy Fund for 2 Megalink Electronic Targets. There is grant funding out there if you take the time to go and look for it.


  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Just a small one this time, £130.00 from Melton Borough Council to help pay for the renewal of RCO qualifications. We are fortunate in having local and county councils that are supportive of sports, but most councils will give some kind of assistance if you approach them.


  11. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    New Milton, Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by Rutty View Post
    Holwell Rifle Club has just had a grant £3100 from the Leicestershire County Council Legacy Fund for 2 Megalink Electronic Targets. There is grant funding out there if you take the time to go and look for it.

    Hi Rutty,

    Any chance you could PM me a quick over view. I'd like to get my club's targets upgraded if we can... small amount about £1000-1500... just an overview of the process and bodies and the time it takes.


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