Quote Originally Posted by fudge-1200 View Post
Hi, Si,
It's, Gary, we went round Nelson together a couple of months ago, you very kindly invited me to visit Tondu to shoot but as yet I have not managed it, as a member of Castleton can I also join another WAFTA club such as Tondu or can I pay every time I visit as I really like the idea of the FT course being set out as more practice at FT comp targets is what I need. May see you at Oaktree.
Regards, Gary.
Hi Gary,
Yes you can be a meber of as many clubs as you want to.

I dont know what Castleton fees are but Tondu is £33.50 for the year.
However, as £3.50 of that is for Bfta card and you already have one via Castleton you would only need to pay £30!

I think you pay a range fee at castleton too?
None at tondu, so over a year its failry cheap shooting and of course you will have higher grade shooers to help you!

Shoot all day Wednesday (or at least when we turn up) and Saturday for free.

Recomend if you want tea / coffe bring your own Mug

I have a saturday off this coming weekend so will be at tondu from about 10 - whenever, probably about 4pm ish?