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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2013 Round 1 - RESULTS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Exclamation Sussex Interclub HFT 2013 Round 1 - RESULTS

    Hi All

    A fun and interesting start to the 2013 SIHFT. Perhaps my prediction of a raft of clearances if we had no wind would have come true; but of course the wind pixies did join us. As a result, while there was some excellent scoring from many of you, with 21 Gold badges awarded and people with a 57 on their card failing to make their club team, just one managed to read the wind to perfection. Big congratulations to Sam for his stunning 60.

    Here are the full results – in the usual format – and with the usual request to PM me if you believe you spot any errors or omissions.

    Firstname Surname Club Class Score % Badge T(eam place)
    Sam Robinson Buxted O 60 100.0% Gold T
    Peter Goodwin Iden Fern O 59 98.3% Gold T
    Nigel Buchan Buxted O 58 96.7% Gold T
    Chris Tyhurst Oaks O 58 96.7% Gold T
    Mike Byford Oaks O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Eric Bynum Horsham O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Graeme Cargan Oaks O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Ben Davies Buxted O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Graham Guest Buxted O 57 95.0% Gold T
    John McDonald Buxted O 57 95.0% Gold
    Rob Simpson Ford O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Simon Williams Oaks O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Stuart Woods Buxted O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Jon Fairman Oaks O 56 93.3% Gold T
    Charlie Jacobs Horsham J 56 93.3% Gold T
    Steve Light Horsham O 56 93.3% Gold T
    Peter Searle Horsham O 56 93.3% Gold T
    Andy Simpson Buxted O 56 93.3% Gold
    Jason Wells Buxted O 56 93.3% Gold
    Tony Archer Iden Fern O 55 91.7% Silver T
    Barry Blackham Ford O 55 91.7% Silver T
    Barry Landa Horsham O 55 91.7% Silver T
    Gary Morrison Buxted O 55 91.7% Silver
    Charles Peal Oaks O 55 91.7% Silver
    Graham Sinclair Horsham O 55 91.7% Silver
    Ryan Stennar Iden Fern J 55 91.7% Gold T
    Bruce Stevenson Iden Fern O 55 91.7% Silver T
    Neil Chitty Buxted O 54 90.0% Silver
    Colin Davidson Iden Fern O 54 90.0% Silver
    Spencer Fairman Oaks O 54 90.0% Silver
    Rudy Goldslade Oaks J 54 90.0% Gold
    John Herbert Oaks O 54 90.0% Silver
    Kim Lum Buxted O 54 90.0% Silver
    Peter Pacer Iden Fern O 54 90.0% Silver T
    Chris Silcock Horsham O 54 90.0% Silver
    Derek Watson Horsham O 54 90.0% Silver
    Nigel Wheal Iden Fern O 54 90.0% Silver
    Richard Chase Ford O 53 88.3% Silver T
    Steve Nailor Buxted O 53 88.3% Silver
    Bob Pattenden Oaks O 53 88.3% Silver
    John Turnbull Buxted O 53 88.3% Silver
    Tas Violaris Horsham O 53 88.3% Silver
    Mike Burgess Swallows FTC O 52 86.7% Bronze T
    Darren Cruttenden Iden Fern O 52 86.7% Bronze
    Kathryn Follis Ford O 52 86.7% Bronze T
    Philip Jacobs Horsham O 52 86.7% Bronze
    Steb Martinez Ford O 52 86.7% Bronze T
    Roy Pearce Iden Fern O 52 86.7% Bronze
    Chris Roberts Oaks R 52 86.7% Silver
    Justin Roberts Ford O 52 86.7% Bronze
    Adam Stennar Iden Fern O 52 86.7% Bronze
    Barry Wintrip Buxted O 52 86.7% Bronze
    Jeremy Follis Ford O 51 85.0% Bronze
    Jon Kelly Buxted O 51 85.0% Bronze
    Mick Maynard Horsham O 51 85.0% Bronze
    Gordon McPhail Horsham O 51 85.0% Bronze
    Eddie Phillips Ford O 51 85.0% Bronze
    Bill Raggett Buxted O 51 85.0% Bronze
    Dave Walden Swallows FTC R 51 85.0% Silver T
    Terry Aiken Oaks O 50 83.3% Bronze
    Bob Morris Ford R 50 83.3% Silver
    Steve Noakes Swallows FTC O 50 83.3% Bronze T
    Dave Pickett Buxted O 50 83.3% Bronze
    Nigel Tostevin Oaks O 50 83.3% Bronze
    Tim Clark Oaks O 49 81.7% Bronze
    Eli McCullough Swallows FTC O 49 81.7% Bronze T
    Laurence Ray Oaks R 49 81.7% Silver
    Kyle Wood Horsham O 49 81.7% Bronze
    Rob Appleyard Oaks O 48 80.0% Bronze
    Sadie Davidson Iden Fern J 48 80.0% Silver
    Caroline Stewart Iden Fern O 48 80.0% Bronze
    Andy Cart Oaks O 47 78.3%
    Luke Blackwell Iden Fern O 45 75.0%
    Keith Crawley Horsham O 45 75.0%
    Barbara Pearce Iden Fern O 45 75.0%
    Simon Whittick Horsham O 45 75.0%
    Glen Bradley Buxted O 44 73.3%
    Vince Guy Swallows FTC O 41 68.3% T
    Carla Chambers Swallows FTC O 39 65.0%
    Owen Johnson Oaks P 38 63.3% Bronze
    Dave Standing Swallows FTC O 36 60.0%
    Paul Duguid Horsham O No card submitted

    Team Results – Very pleased to say that all 6 clubs had a full complement of members to make up their teams of 5, so no need for random score card draws.

    Club Team score (best 5)
    Buxted 289
    Oaks 285
    Horsham 280
    Iden Fern 278
    Ford 269
    Swallows 243

    Far too early to read anything in to the above. Last year proved that even mid-series would have been too early to start placing bets on the outcome.

    And finally I need to put right a pretty awful omission of mine during the end-of-shoot ceremonies. I forgot to say a HUGE thank you to Swallows FTC unsung heroes of the day, none of who shot in the comp. They are :

    Kerry and Mike, who so generously turn up to help and (MOST IMPORTANT) deliver your refreshments
    Gerry (our Chairman whose knee was too dodgy to shoot today) and his son Stuart. Both helped put up an take down and ensure that any traffic heading to or from the airfield was kept under control.

    Thank you all so much.

    Roll on Round 2 at Ford in 2 weeks time.

    Last edited by biggles; 22-04-2013 at 09:36 PM. Reason: Correction to club for the Stennars
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    I think Ryan Stenna was Iden Ferns?
    What a great shoot Biggs!...what a way to kick off the show!

    I would like to congratulate Sam on his clear! and indeed Buxted for the outright win...

    Most of all i would like to thank all The Oakies for doing their level best (some great scores as well..a 58 from Mr Tyhurst outstanding, also two of my shooters got a PB) A great day in great company, it don't get much better than this!!

    Rock on! X

    (PS I see there are some juniors kicking some Butt as well!)
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Round 1 - Swallows

    Thank you Swallows, had a great day out!

    Tell me, what was that warm bright thing in the sky?

    Can we have some more of it please?

    See you at Ford!

    Save time, see it my way

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    Quote Originally Posted by Herp View Post
    Thank you Swallows, had a great day out!

    Tell me, what was that warm bright thing in the sky?

    Can we have some more of it please?

    See you at Ford!

    Hi Steb

    Thanks for the thanks; pleased you had a great day.

    That thing in the sky caused Eli some discomfort after yesterday's course setting. I understand it's called Sunburn

    Best slap on the cream ahead of Round 2 as that is sure to bring back the rain

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Cheers swallows, great shoot the day. Think I may be keeping this gun, got me a 52. I'm normaly looking at the bottom, not half way up.
    i love pies me

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Wow what a great day

    Thoroughly enjoyed shooting in the sun again - makes a pleasant change from all the wind and rain of late -and at such a nice venue.

    A big well done to all the course setters, a very good course.

    Congratulations to Sam for clearing the course (Top Shooting mate) and to everybody achieving a new Personal Best today

    Ford in a fortnight, i think Swallows have laid down the gauntlet top course and top weather can it be any better ?????


    The Oaks SiHFT Winners 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Many thanks to Mike and team for a cracking start to SIHFT - I like the new field!

    See you all at Ford in a fortnight!

    OAKS - SIHFT Winners 2011, [SIZE=4][COLOR="#FF0000"] 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2015, 2023

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Mile Oak :) Brighton
    Thankyou Swallows!
    What a great start to the season. Yep, I got sunburnt!
    Your new wood and field layout worked very well, really enjoyed the day. Well shot Sam and Buxted!

    The OAKS
    SIHFT WINNERS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Nr Worthing, W Sussex
    Well done Swallows, fantastic course - I heard nothing but praise for the new format and your plinking range was the standard to beat. The whole set up looked like a lot of hard work to put out and worked brilliantly. I am in awe!

    My absence from the circuit over the winter cost me many points today, but the old bones are looking forward to the next one already

    I'm also delighted to see the Ford team building up again, softly softly and all that

    Well done Sam

    You come into this world with nothing, go out in debt and you've made a profit

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Its All been said

    Great Course well laid out "Thank you Swallows" for setting the bar so high.
    Well done Sam for the clearance for BUXTED.
    PB for me, well chuffed.
    4 points a long way to go Mikey Boy, good start though, don't you think.
    See you all at Ford.
    "If you are not living on the edge you are taking up too much room!."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buxted County HFT Republic of Crowzilla Sussex
    Thanks Swallows and all.

    Great course thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Great shooting Sam Nigel and all the rest of the Buxted team.

    And Adam and Ryan both shoot for Iden now.

    Buxted HFT Garage Guns are Us. Home of Crowzilla Doppers doughnut corner and SiHFT winners 2007 2008 2009 2010 2017 2018 2019.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    Quote Originally Posted by simmmo View Post
    Thanks Swallows and all.

    Great course thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Great shooting Sam Nigel and all the rest of the Buxted team.

    And Adam and Ryan both shoot for Iden now.

    Thanks Andy

    I will correct the Stennars' membership details pronto. Had honestly thought Byfold's earlier remark about Ryan was in jest

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Thanks, another great shoot.

    Another great shoot, really like the new field.

    Well done Sam Hobbits rule.
    Air Arms TX200

  14. #14
    Samharveyoswald is offline Buxted County Freestyle Diving Champion
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Thanks swallows that was a fun course, and as already said I think the new area is a great bit of ground,made for some interesting shots.
    It was a pleasure shooting with Chris as always , glad you got a new PB mate , I think all that practice with that stupid boingy thing is paying off.
    Also well done to big nige and everyone else who achieved a new PB.
    I was just glad to beat fatty byford after all his ol trap
    It's early days yet but buxted are on top where we belong

    See you all at ford
    Last edited by Samharveyoswald; 22-04-2013 at 09:51 AM.
    Buxted Hobbit Army

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Petts Wood

    Angry Great day

    Thanks for a great day all.
    My first ever competition and first ever shoot for the Hawks, pleased with my score and looking forward to Ford.
    (note to self: must wear hat, baldness + sun = beetroot impression, very painful and look ridiculous!)

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