I think Gerard's explanation of his own personal experience when wielding a wobbly perfectly summarises how threatened those used to shooting high end PCPs feel when confronted by a "real" gun. I know the feeling well. The thing is chaps that said Jones, as I mentioned in the opening post, had his bottom slapped by an admittedly expert pistol shot using a 40 year old Premier.

It is unfortunate Gerard that you have given Ian the "Flare Gun" description. Things are hard enough as it is! My mission this evening is to first catch the unbeliever, strap and tape a wobbly into his hand, and watch him try and hit the bull while hanging from the ceiling of the 10mt range shouting "Come back Christine, I love you really."

Thanks for your efforts last evening as well Bob. If Ian manages to survive this evening in one piece, I will take a picture of him wielding a wobbly in either his live or dead hand. I'll give you "overarm swing" you utter heathen!!!
