Quote Originally Posted by Drew451 View Post

These are generally highly rated by those who have owned them. If you look under the thread "RWS 45" below, this will tell you about the model 45. It's the same gun in a different stock. Personally, I do not believe the Jubilee model is worth much of a premium over a standard model.
I truly LOVE the Original 45, and believe it to be one of the best production run break-barrel air rifles of all time. I have had examples in .177, .20 and .22 over the years, and all three were fantastic in both performance and build, with (imho), the .20 version being the very best, and my .20 example (sold when skint) is still sorely missed from my collection to this day. This all said, however, I, too, personally, would not pay a premium just to have a Jubilee model. If the price is right and condition good, however, and you really want the Jubilee variant, buy it, because you won't regret it.