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Thread: Face to Face Deals/Distance Travelled ?

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kamag View Post
    Hi mate
    I am sat in local having a pint
    Which is now all over the floor
    After reading the punch line.
    Keep the stories coming
    There brilliant
    Thanks, Les, glad you enjoy the stories...Much appreciated.
    Hope you managed to salvage some of your pint!😎
    A' the Best,

  2. #77
    Blackrider's Avatar
    Blackrider is offline It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got a Spring
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    Perthshire the Heart of Scotland !
    Made Mi laugh that !
    “An airgun or two”………

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Long Eaton, (Derby/Notts)
    Haha the joke was very good Vale Boy

    Your stories made me chuckle I couldn't help but think 'Bus W@nker' whilst reading the first one
    I assume you've seen one or two inbetweeners episodes

    Strangely I've just come back from a 120 mile round trip this evening from a location not far away from your second story 'twas picking up another rifle the missus is going to go nuts

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Retford, Notts
    Need to get ready for work now, but will read this later, Graeme.

    Wot you been buying now then, Nick?
    NEXT EVENT :- May 2025.........BOING!!

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by oldskoolzzz View Post
    Haha the joke was very good Vale Boy

    Your stories made me chuckle I couldn't help but think 'Bus W@nker' whilst reading the first one
    I assume you've seen one or two inbetweeners episodes

    Strangely I've just come back from a 120 mile round trip this evening from a location not far away from your second story 'twas picking up another rifle the missus is going to go nuts

    Although I've seen the Inbetweeners several times, Nick, I hadn't seen the Bus W@nkers episode, so I checked out the clips on YouTube .. very funny, particularly when they got stuck in traffic and they get huckled by the two heavies from the bus queue!

    By the sound of things with your trip last night I could've probably navigated for you with my eyes shut. I reckon I know that area now, like the back of my hand!

    What'dya pick up this time? Anything interesting?, cheers Graeme

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Long Eaton, (Derby/Notts)
    Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
    Wot you been buying now then, Nick?
    Another winerack but sorry Tone it's not powered by a spring

    Quote Originally Posted by VALE BOY View Post
    Although I've seen the Inbetweeners several times, Nick, I hadn't seen the Bus W@nkers episode, so I checked out the clips on YouTube .. very funny, particularly when they got stuck in traffic and they get huckled by the two heavies from the bus queue!

    By the sound of things with your trip last night I could've probably navigated for you with my eyes shut. I reckon I know that area now, like the back of my hand!

    What'dya pick up this time? Anything interesting?, cheers Graeme
    Haha yes the inbetweeners are brill always makes me laugh
    Chap I used to work with recently always got the bus everywhere and guess what his nick name was

    I can't even remember the last time I caught a public bus!! Certainly 20th Century that's for sure

    Gone back to the dark side again picked up another wine rack

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackrider View Post
    Just remembered a pretty "scarey" trip into deepest Lincolnshire one winter evening a few years back after work when we had snow and ice !
    Drove from Sheffield over to a small village east of Louth whose name escapes me in terrible conditions to pick up a HW 90 !
    Even worse on the the way home driving in freezing fog and sleet !

    Approx. 180 mile round trip but 'orrible conditions !

    Sold the gun 18 months later !

    Think I may have bought that from you John

    for my gunz guitarz and bonzai, see here

  8. #83
    Blackrider's Avatar
    Blackrider is offline It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got a Spring
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    Perthshire the Heart of Scotland !
    Quote Originally Posted by johnbaz View Post
    Think I may have bought that from you John

    You did John, you did !
    “An airgun or two”………

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Retford, Notts
    Quote Originally Posted by VALE BOY View Post
    As some of you may have read already I made a contribution ( more like War and Peace, I reckon) on page 2 of this thread. However I thought I'd chuck in a couple of 'collection' stories , both involving public transport which may be of interest which shouldn't require you to have a flask of soup and sandwiches to sustain you whilst reading it.

    In the summer of 2015 I bought a load (25) tins of Milbro Caledonian .177 pellets which were located in Kirkudbright on the Solway Firth in the South of Scotland about 110 miles away from me. As it would incur a daft price to post them which detracts from the bargain price of £2 a tin I thought that as I'm of that certain age I'll use my bus pass which gives free travel.

    So I left home about 9.45am and 4 bus journeys later I was in Kirkudbright for about 2pm. Had about an hour to wait for the return bus to Castle Douglas so I had time to sample the local bakers scotch and macaroni pies. That's a bit of a quest for me in my travels...seeking out the best pies and fish suppers in different localities.

    Anyway the connecting buses on the way back fortunately 'dovetailed' neatly and I was back home about 7.45.. A bit of a toil I suppose, 220 mile round trip using 8 buses but as I regarded it as a 'Day Oot' and as the weather was fine with good scenery to view, it was no hardship. However, in the 10 hours or so to complete that journey, it's a bit ironic to think I could've flown to Bombay or thereabouts.

    The next journey was a right funny one as it turned out and fortunately I can laugh at myself for making such a blunder as you'll duly hear.

    In April 2015 I stopped over with friends in Crookes up on the hill on the west side of Sheffield for a couple of days on my way down to the Boinger Bash. A day or two beforehand I'd agreed to buy about 2,500 .20 pellets from a fella on our Forum who lived in Kilnhurst road, Rawmarsh on the far side of Rotherham from Crookes. These address details are crucial to the story as you'll soon hear.
    So I looked on the road atlas and it was about a 20 mile return journey by car .. But I thought , jeez, I'm doing enough driving as it is.. I'll just use the buses and see a bit of Sheffield and roundabout at the same time. So at dinner, on the night before the trip I spoke to Stuart and Amanda about my intended trip and I asked Stuart whereabouts was the district he worked at the steel works. He told me that it was Killimarsh and I said, "Ya Beauty, that's where I'm headed tomorrow"! I'd mixed up KILNhurst road with rawMARSH and got Killimarsh without realising I'd made a mistake!!

    So I phoned Sean who was selling the pellets and he said around 1pm was a good time to come over.
    The following morning I set off with Stuart in his van at 8am knowing I had tons of time to spare but as I had my camera with me there would be no problem filling out the time. Famous last words!!
    Due to the fact it was such a beautiful sunny morning, with the sun on the left of us after about 5 miles we were heading south to Killimarsh I thought, that's a bit strange I should be headed east to the far side of Rotherham.
    It was then I realised that it should be Rawmarsh where I should be going and not Killimarsh .. Numpty!
    So bidding farewell to Stuart at the Steelworks in Killimarsh at about 8.45am I checked my phone maps to discover that Rawmarsh was about 15 miles away and that was by car, going direct. So after an
    all-day breakfast in the local greasy spoon ( where there are 2 types of "all-day breakfasts" distinguished by the number of ingredients.. The smaller one is called a "Number 1" and the bigger one is a "Number 2") I was sitting there near the counter hoping that someone would come in and ask for a "Number 2"! It's amazing how schoolday's humour never leaves you!

    So the next stage was a bus journey from Killimarsh to Crystal Peaks. What a name! I immediately thought of that weird American TV series "Twin Peaks" and I thought I was travelling into uncharted territory. So I bought the all-day ticket for a fiver as I knew there was going to be a few buses involved. Change of buses at Crystal Peaks took me to the depot at Rotherham for about 12 noon. Then a Doncaster bound bus took me in the direction of Rawmarsh leaving me a 3/4 mile walk to Seans place. There was a wee bakery adjacent to his flat so I thought I'd give it a try ( remember my comments above in the previous story ) so I bought a few cup cakes, and stuff to take into Sean's for a cuppa tea and a box of cupcakes to take back to Stuart and Amanda's. The quality was amazing and it's so typical of small independent bakers and other types of small shops are so much better than the corporate chain shops that dominate our towns. By the way, it's called Levertons, if I remember correctly... So if any of you reading this, happen to be in the area, well, it's worth a vist if your looking for some decent scran!

    A few yards from the shop to Seans, and I was there for just after 1pm ...
    Had a cupla cups o' tea and a blether about airguns at Sean's then set off for the return journey about 2 and I only got a few yards past the bakers when I was dying for a "single fish" as we call it up here!
    I had no option to go into William Hills the Bookies to use their toilet and after performing the necessary I slipped near the door on the way out and the manager instantly came into the loo to see if I was ok. He helped me up and took me over to the counter and his assistant gave me a cup of tea and a biscuit! ...Jeez, I was feeling bit guilty by now, just going in to use their loo, so I felt obliged to place a bet...something I very seldom do, maybe the occasional Grand National! So there was a horse race in Brighton about to start so I picked a couple of horses that I fancied and at the same time placed a bet on a dog race in Newcastle I think. Total bet placed of about 3 quid and I watched both my bets come into win at roughly the same time. Couldnae believe it so when I collected my winnings of about 9 quid the 'profit' covered the 5 quid for the all-day bus ticket. I had a good laugh with the manager and his assistant when I revealed I had only come in to use the loo! She then gave me another cuppa tea to 'celebrate' my win and I bade them a grateful farewell.

    So a nice walk in the sunshine to get the bus into the big Depot in Sheffield near the Meadowhall shopping complex. From there it was another 2 buses up to Crookes and a walk to get back to Stuart and Amanda's just in time for dinner at 7pm.
    So what could have been a 20 mile round trip by car, taking maybe an hour and a half became a 52 mile, 11 hour journey, using a van, six buses, a couple of miles walking, several cups o' tea and a winning bet on the horses and the dugs! An Odyssey that Gulliver would have been proud of!
    All because of my confusion with the names and me 'jumping to conclusions.

    At the end of my previous post I concluded with a wee joke and I said I'd tell a better one further on down the line. So here it is....

    "A wee Scotsman boarded a plane in San Francisco and was delighted when the vacant seat beside him was taken by a beautiful, well-upholstered, long legged young woman. Eager to strike up a conversation he said to her "Business trip or Pleasure?"

    She smiled and said "Business... I'm going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs Convention in London.
    He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman sitting next to him and she was going to a meeting of Nymphomaniacs!

    Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked.."What's your business at the Convention?

    "Lecturer", she responded, "I use information that I have learned from my personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.

    "Really?" the wee Scotsman replied.."And what kind of myths are these?".

    "Well," she explained, "one popular myth is that African-American men are the most well-endowed of all men, when in actual fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is Scotsmen who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with absolutely the best stamina is the Irish!"

    Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable revealing all this information and she blushed.. "I'm sorry", she said, "I shouldn't really be divulging all of this with you and I don't even know your name!" ��

    "Tonto", the wee man said.. "Tonto MacTavish, but all my friends call me Paddy!"

    Excellent retelling of an awesome wee trip (!!), Graeme.

    Loving that punchline. I don't know where you get 'em from, but keep 'em coming!
    NEXT EVENT :- May 2025.........BOING!!

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Retford, Notts
    Quote Originally Posted by oldskoolzzz View Post
    Another winerack but sorry Tone it's not powered by a spring
    Sorry Nick, I've only just spotted this.

    100, 101 or 110?

    And it might not be POWERED by a spring, but it'll still have a little spring or two in there!

    So, will you keep it?
    NEXT EVENT :- May 2025.........BOING!!

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    once went fom the good old borough of peter to the isle of man. bit of a problem there, adam lives on the isle of white.
    the only thing i can find wrong is the nut on the steering wheel.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by VALE BOY View Post
    As some of you may have read already I made a contribution ( more like War and Peace, I reckon) on page 2 of this thread. However I thought I'd chuck in a couple of 'collection' stories , both involving public transport which may be of interest which shouldn't require you to have a flask of soup and sandwiches to sustain you whilst reading it.

    In the summer of 2015 I bought a load (25) tins of Milbro Caledonian .177 pellets which were located in Kirkudbright on the Solway Firth in the South of Scotland about 110 miles away from me. As it would incur a daft price to post them which detracts from the bargain price of £2 a tin I thought that as I'm of that certain age I'll use my bus pass which gives free travel.

    So I left home about 9.45am and 4 bus journeys later I was in Kirkudbright for about 2pm. Had about an hour to wait for the return bus to Castle Douglas so I had time to sample the local bakers scotch and macaroni pies. That's a bit of a quest for me in my travels...seeking out the best pies and fish suppers in different localities.

    Anyway the connecting buses on the way back fortunately 'dovetailed' neatly and I was back home about 7.45.. A bit of a toil I suppose, 220 mile round trip using 8 buses but as I regarded it as a 'Day Oot' and as the weather was fine with good scenery to view, it was no hardship. However, in the 10 hours or so to complete that journey, it's a bit ironic to think I could've flown to Bombay or thereabouts.

    The next journey was a right funny one as it turned out and fortunately I can laugh at myself for making such a blunder as you'll duly hear.

    In April 2015 I stopped over with friends in Crookes up on the hill on the west side of Sheffield for a couple of days on my way down to the Boinger Bash. A day or two beforehand I'd agreed to buy about 2,500 .20 pellets from a fella on our Forum who lived in Kilnhurst road, Rawmarsh on the far side of Rotherham from Crookes. These address details are crucial to the story as you'll soon hear.
    So I looked on the road atlas and it was about a 20 mile return journey by car .. But I thought , jeez, I'm doing enough driving as it is.. I'll just use the buses and see a bit of Sheffield and roundabout at the same time. So at dinner, on the night before the trip I spoke to Stuart and Amanda about my intended trip and I asked Stuart whereabouts was the district he worked at the steel works. He told me that it was Killimarsh and I said, "Ya Beauty, that's where I'm headed tomorrow"! I'd mixed up KILNhurst road with rawMARSH and got Killimarsh without realising I'd made a mistake!!

    So I phoned Sean who was selling the pellets and he said around 1pm was a good time to come over.
    The following morning I set off with Stuart in his van at 8am knowing I had tons of time to spare but as I had my camera with me there would be no problem filling out the time. Famous last words!!
    Due to the fact it was such a beautiful sunny morning, with the sun on the left of us after about 5 miles we were heading south to Killimarsh I thought, that's a bit strange I should be headed east to the far side of Rotherham.
    It was then I realised that it should be Rawmarsh where I should be going and not Killimarsh .. Numpty!
    So bidding farewell to Stuart at the Steelworks in Killimarsh at about 8.45am I checked my phone maps to discover that Rawmarsh was about 15 miles away and that was by car, going direct. So after an
    all-day breakfast in the local greasy spoon ( where there are 2 types of "all-day breakfasts" distinguished by the number of ingredients.. The smaller one is called a "Number 1" and the bigger one is a "Number 2") I was sitting there near the counter hoping that someone would come in and ask for a "Number 2"! It's amazing how schoolday's humour never leaves you!

    So the next stage was a bus journey from Killimarsh to Crystal Peaks. What a name! I immediately thought of that weird American TV series "Twin Peaks" and I thought I was travelling into uncharted territory. So I bought the all-day ticket for a fiver as I knew there was going to be a few buses involved. Change of buses at Crystal Peaks took me to the depot at Rotherham for about 12 noon. Then a Doncaster bound bus took me in the direction of Rawmarsh leaving me a 3/4 mile walk to Seans place. There was a wee bakery adjacent to his flat so I thought I'd give it a try ( remember my comments above in the previous story ) so I bought a few cup cakes, and stuff to take into Sean's for a cuppa tea and a box of cupcakes to take back to Stuart and Amanda's. The quality was amazing and it's so typical of small independent bakers and other types of small shops are so much better than the corporate chain shops that dominate our towns. By the way, it's called Levertons, if I remember correctly... So if any of you reading this, happen to be in the area, well, it's worth a vist if your looking for some decent scran!

    A few yards from the shop to Seans, and I was there for just after 1pm ...
    Had a cupla cups o' tea and a blether about airguns at Sean's then set off for the return journey about 2 and I only got a few yards past the bakers when I was dying for a "single fish" as we call it up here!
    I had no option to go into William Hills the Bookies to use their toilet and after performing the necessary I slipped near the door on the way out and the manager instantly came into the loo to see if I was ok. He helped me up and took me over to the counter and his assistant gave me a cup of tea and a biscuit! ...Jeez, I was feeling bit guilty by now, just going in to use their loo, so I felt obliged to place a bet...something I very seldom do, maybe the occasional Grand National! So there was a horse race in Brighton about to start so I picked a couple of horses that I fancied and at the same time placed a bet on a dog race in Newcastle I think. Total bet placed of about 3 quid and I watched both my bets come into win at roughly the same time. Couldnae believe it so when I collected my winnings of about 9 quid the 'profit' covered the 5 quid for the all-day bus ticket. I had a good laugh with the manager and his assistant when I revealed I had only come in to use the loo! She then gave me another cuppa tea to 'celebrate' my win and I bade them a grateful farewell.

    So a nice walk in the sunshine to get the bus into the big Depot in Sheffield near the Meadowhall shopping complex. From there it was another 2 buses up to Crookes and a walk to get back to Stuart and Amanda's just in time for dinner at 7pm.
    So what could have been a 20 mile round trip by car, taking maybe an hour and a half became a 52 mile, 11 hour journey, using a van, six buses, a couple of miles walking, several cups o' tea and a winning bet on the horses and the dugs! An Odyssey that Gulliver would have been proud of!
    All because of my confusion with the names and me 'jumping to conclusions.

    At the end of my previous post I concluded with a wee joke and I said I'd tell a better one further on down the line. So here it is....

    "A wee Scotsman boarded a plane in San Francisco and was delighted when the vacant seat beside him was taken by a beautiful, well-upholstered, long legged young woman. Eager to strike up a conversation he said to her "Business trip or Pleasure?"

    She smiled and said "Business... I'm going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs Convention in London.
    He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman sitting next to him and she was going to a meeting of Nymphomaniacs!

    Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked.."What's your business at the Convention?

    "Lecturer", she responded, "I use information that I have learned from my personal experiences to debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.

    "Really?" the wee Scotsman replied.."And what kind of myths are these?".

    "Well," she explained, "one popular myth is that African-American men are the most well-endowed of all men, when in actual fact it is the Native American Indian who is most likely to possess that trait. Another popular myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers, when actually it is Scotsmen who are the best. I have also discovered that the lover with absolutely the best stamina is the Irish!"

    Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable revealing all this information and she blushed.. "I'm sorry", she said, "I shouldn't really be divulging all of this with you and I don't even know your name!" ��

    "Tonto", the wee man said.. "Tonto MacTavish, but all my friends call me Paddy!"
    Wonderful story and very funny joke, but never heard of the "single fish" before

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    my furthest trip at the moment is 120 miles. If I lived in the states I would go further. British miles are way different that US miles. I always have to explain that to people. The driving is much more involved that driving in the states.

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