Quote Originally Posted by Abasmajor View Post
Hello Pete,

Not sure if there will be an Arms Fair associated with the Phoenix in May or Imperial meeting at Bisley in July, but either way this will fit nicely in between.

Hope to see you there if not before.


Nobody seems to know when or if there will be any fairs at Bisley for certain, which is a real shame, nowhere has the same feel or atmosphere. It's a bit like the old Wembley Stadium.

If the KP event is supported, there could be 4 per year. I am doing all I can to get this up and running, not easy, not cheap, but £4 entry shouldn't break the bank.

So far about 10 tables are booked, 6 miltaria, 2 A/G RFDs and 2 Private collectors with a varied assortment of vintage and sub 12ft/lb rifles.