I have to ask the question why? You have a 10m target rifle and you intend to fit a 50m cartridge rifle rearsight iris to it. I would suggest that you are over-specifying to meet the likely requirements. Unless you are shooting competitively outdoors the majority of the time you just do not need all the features that these iris\filter units offer.
If it were me, the first thing I would do is ditch the polariser, it's surprising how many people have one and rarely touch it. You do need good consistent aperture adjustment, you won't move it much but you do need it function properly when you do. The next thing is the choice of filters, yellow is a must and possibly the orange or peach ones. They tend to increase contrast which is always good. Greys reduce glare and being able to quickly flick through the filters at 50m as the light changes is when you want them. Is that what you require?
If you are going to shoot indoors, it is a 10m rifle after all, and you really believe that something other than a basic adjustable aperture will improve your performance, then you might like to consider the Centra 1.8 Indoor Iris.
Hope this gives you something to think about,