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Thread: Early rekord triggers (hw55)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Early rekord triggers (hw55)

    Hi, I have a HW55t thats been messed quite a lot with over its life, seems not a lot is original!

    The Rekord trigger is very light, and has an ultra set back trigger blade thats only single stage (1 roller)

    I went to swap the blade out for a modern 2 stage blade, but found the pin in the 55t blade to be 2.3mm. Is this standard for early triggers? (the late trigger blade pin is only 2mm)
    Also, the ultra set back trigger had brass shims either side, is this standard for a 55t, or was this modded early in its life?

    (I had a later rekord trigger tuned, this got nylon shims either side of the blade)


    PS, is this single stage ultra set back trigger blade anything collectable? Its got a short grub screw weight adjuster, and not the knurled target weight adjuster :-(
    Thanks - Geoff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    City of London
    Quote Originally Posted by mrgeoff View Post
    Hi, I have a HW55t thats been messed quite a lot with over its life, seems not a lot is original!

    The Rekord trigger is very light, and has an ultra set back trigger blade thats only single stage (1 roller)

    I went to swap the blade out for a modern 2 stage blade, but found the pin in the 55t blade to be 2.3mm. Is this standard for early triggers? (the late trigger blade pin is only 2mm)
    Also, the ultra set back trigger had brass shims either side, is this standard for a 55t, or was this modded early in its life?

    (I had a later rekord trigger tuned, this got nylon shims either side of the blade)


    PS, is this single stage ultra set back trigger blade anything collectable? Its got a short grub screw weight adjuster, and not the knurled target weight adjuster :-(
    Geoff check out this thread for pics of early HW Rekord triggers that may help you identify what you have, if you can see the pics:
    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Is this any help?

    Picture of Perfect and Record trigger assemblies here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I would say its a different trigger blade thats been made to fit, the shims are for any side play that it may have.The standard unit has no shims,i've not compared the old pin to the new one though the earlier trigger blade was slightly narrower.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    trigger blade

    The set back blade maybe from one of the 80's custom houses so yes would be collectable. Mach 1.5

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