Quote Originally Posted by gtfreight View Post
Emma and I have been given time off work but Luke hasn't so it doesn't look like he's coming.
Lindsay (the one who keeps me in check) has applied for holidays but as she's off from now until the middle of the month, won't know until she goes back so I can't as yet confirm whether she'll be able to make it.
Changing subject, I've just bought a used 97kt, and on the whole it's ok but there's a resignation coming through the stock which sounds like a tuning fork being rung. I've tried packing the stock and filling the abt with grease but it's still there. Does anybody have an idea what could be the cause?
Quote Originally Posted by NewPaul View Post
Could be the spring in the underlever release button Gary. That may sound unlikely and maybe it isn’t that but I get it on my HW77k. I think it can be easily packed with grease and seem to remember Rhys(lightning) mentioning it on here a little while back.
Fingers crossed that all goes well for you re booking the time off, Gary.

And just look at that Little Pauly Boy go with the technical advice. Nice one matey and I think your observations will be correct.