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Thread: Sticking cases, left with shiny streaks full length of body

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Greensboro, NC USA

    Sticking cases, left with shiny streaks full length of body

    Brand new 30-06 Redding type S full length resize die used with imperial wax is giving me sticky (and stuck) cases. Even a new unfired case is quite stiff in die. I’ve owned and used this type of die for years. My once fired low pressure load cases go in and out hard and once resulted in shell holder ripping off rim. I wasn’t using an expander so I easily removed decapper assembly assembly and drove out case with rod. The sized cases have 13 bright streaks the length of body. There are no scratches. Streaks are relatively even spaced and may .04” wide. They look burnished on case. You have to hold at a particular angle to light to see them. Resized cases are .002” smaller just below shoulder than fired cases.

    Anyone had a similar problem? Since brand new I will probably send the die to Redding. Even so I very curious as to what is going on. I sized 4 nickel case which were less sticky than lapua but stiff with striations as well. Cursory inspection (no magnification) revealed corresponding bright streaks full length of die. If the streaks in die were very slightly raised I’d expect marking on case but not necessarily sticking. My theory of the hour is that the factory Reamer caught the 13 raised areas of die blank but didn’t cut deep enough to take out low areas. Low areas are probably not really polished either.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    sounds like a crap die, if you are using imperial sizing wax you shouldn't be having that problem, buy a nice Lee die and forget your problems
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  3. #3
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Sounds like you have some galling where the die mouth is not quite smooth, has picked up brass and that has picked up more brass.

    Might be an idea to try a spray lube when you get it sorted. I use lanolin/99% IPA 1-9 in a pump spray, works well and easy to remove.
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Greensboro, NC USA
    Talked to Redding tech and die is off to NY for repair/replace. Thought is that die not finish honed after cut with reamer. The imperfections ran the length of the die, not just mouth. All this started because I bought a Mannlicher Schoenauer M1952 on impulse because it was nearly cosmetically perfect--blueing perfect even on sharp edges, no rust etc. The kicker is that the rifle won't group (4-5 inches @100). I've bought Lee Enfields beat to crap but they would do 2-3 inches with mil surplus! Cheers all

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