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Thread: BSA Club standard twang

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    BSA Club standard twang

    Just cleaned up my BSA CS .177 air rifle, re lubed, seal change ect....Shoots better now but it has a rather loud twang when shot. I have heard that adding a piston sleeve can solve this problem. Does anyone know where I could get one? The rifle is one that has two main springs (which I dont know why, surely just one long one like the other BSA's would be cheaper). They are the original springs the rifle came with from the factory, even has the BSA logo stamped onto the spring, though faded.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Why not bin the two springs and replace with just 1 from chambers. the very idea of 2 springs sounds Twangey.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    The two springs were wound in opposite directions, so it reduced the torque of the spring during compression & firing. Also, apparently the shorter springs were easier to temper at the factory. Both these things resulted in less breakages once the springs had been installed. I think guns with the twin springs fitted, shoot better and more smoothly than the single spring guns.Especially in the long cylinder 45 inch size. Modern replacement pairs are often encountered in thicker wire than the originals. These modern springs aren't as nice to fire as the flat section originals IMO.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Basingstoke, U.K.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lakey View Post
    The two springs were wound in opposite directions, so it reduced the torque of the spring during compression & firing. Also, apparently the shorter springs were easier to temper at the factory. Both these things resulted in less breakages once the springs had been installed. I think guns with the twin springs fitted, shoot better and more smoothly than the single spring guns.Especially in the long cylinder 45 inch size. Modern replacement pairs are often encountered in thicker wire than the originals. These modern springs aren't as nice to fire as the flat section originals IMO.

    I would agree with this view 100%. The trick is sourcing an original set of twin springs.


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