Quote Originally Posted by rg627 View Post
Hello Rob

I don't find mine too long but it's all personal preference. When I add a mod it's extremely quiet but yes, it does get long. I don't use the mod that often so it doesn't bother me.

I have very little knowledge of this but what from what in have read, shortening the barrel may alter the snappiness of a springer, especially in 177. I'd be tempted to leave the barrel as they are so accurate. When. I looked at threading my 99 barrel, a lot of people thought it was too short to get in the lathe (although I'm not an engineer and can't verify this). Im sure some tuners will have the answer.

Forgive me for butting in, but how do you like the tune? Did you have the guides and spring swapped and does it feel any different to shoot?

Keep us posted if you do shorten the barrel, would be interesting to see the results

Yes I think I'll keep it as is. Not finished the tune yet, need to cut the spring down, but the kit is quality so I have high hopes.

I'll put a report up when it's done especially as I've had two official springs in the gun and it's been low on power. The TbT spring looks to have wider spaces between the coils and is currently longer than standard. I have no idea what I need to take it down to so experimenting is required.