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Thread: What to do with a FWB Sport 124

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    Rather than replacing the iron/plastic sights why not go down the slimline moderator and blanking plate route.
    Maccari does a neet little blanking plate for the rear sight holes. Or make one up yourself, flat and neet.
    As for moderators then a slimline is the way to go. The Venom slimline look is what is best rather than large Coke can.

    Just shot my 127 factory perfect and my HW95 .177 Vmatch tuned. First shot the 4x40 scoped Sport was smack on, the 95 wasn't. I've got a bad back so not shooting well but the old Sport did what asked.
    Just shot my 124 with a 3-9x45 Optima Moonlighter, Macarri self fitted innards, its a MKI action with banana barrel and MKIII stock, how it got like that I have no idea now. Anyhow it shoots just fine. My other regular shooter is a Theoben Fenman with 3-9x40 Tasco, its heavier but both shoot the same...hit what aimed at within the farmyard.

    Looks like Maccari has been busy. New safety catches! Sure nothing cheap but then just like Land Rover lovers its the fun of keeping old friends chugging away.

    One thing we have really missed on the this thread is how easy a Sport is to cock. For a plinking good fun shoots then break barrel, easy cock, quick safety catch, and light weight, nothing beats them. Get away from the bench and shoot a sporting rifle how they should be. I've just had a blast at my apple fall in the garden and that was fun; backs screaming though.
    Last edited by Muskett; 24-09-2018 at 04:50 PM.

  2. #47
    Join Date
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    A few miles east of Nottingham
    Quote Originally Posted by gtfreight View Post
    Hi Michael,

    If you like how the V-Mach kit shoots in the 124 why not go down that avenue? I can't notice any real difference in cocking effort and I think the cycle is greatly improved. Also, I would feel fairly confident of stripping it down and rebuilding it without a compressor if needed, which I wouldn't have a chance with the original spring.

    The trigger on yours is as good as any Sport I can remember, I wish mine was as nice. Jon Budd posted a thread showing how to improve the trigger but as I have just basic tools I don't want to risk damaging my Maccari as it cost me nearly £100 with postage and import duty.

    As for open sights, if you post a "Wanted" ad you may be able to get hold of a rear one but depending on how detailed you want to be, the .22 rear sight has different numbering on the height adjustment compared to the .177. Your barrel is the less common type (in my experience), which is scalloped to accept the pin to fit the wrap around foresight unlike the more common parallel grooved type. You might have to wait a while to get the correct one.

    Are you going to refinish the stock yourself? If not, I can recommend Nath92, he's a member here but spends most of his time on the AGF where he is currently offering stock refurb's for £65 and has one slot available.

    Whichever route you go down I hope you bring it to the Bash when you finish it and let me have a look.

    All the best,
    Thanks Gary, but there is an "original" seal and spring being borne towards me on the comforting wings of Royal mail, even as I write. I am going to give them a whirl for a while, they don't cost much and I can change later if I want to. I quite like the idea of a blanking plate and slim mod, and may well go for that in due course. I do a fair bit of woodworking and finishing, so I shall take on the stock myself as I have been quite happy with the CS and the Warren Edwards stocks I bought new and finished myself. Definitely planning to bring the Sport to the Bash.
    Cheers, Michael

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Personally - I would bother with any mod, silencer or muzzle weight on the end of the barrel on a 'Sport. One area of weakness (?) is the barrel lock up which isn't as positive as on most break barrels.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  4. #49
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drew451 View Post
    Original 45 was introduced in 1978, not sure about the FWB. I have no real experience of the Sport but I'm enjoying this thread just the same.
    Perhaps I'll catch up with one some day.
    It DEFINITELY was not introduced in 1978. It was at least 1981, slightly before the HW80. They were still pissing about with the 35 and the 50 in 1978. B.B. Pelletier says it was introduced in 1978 on his blog, but he is mistaken.
    Last edited by Hsing-ee; 24-09-2018 at 06:42 PM.

  5. #50
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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Hsing-ee View Post
    It DEFINITELY was not introduced in 1978. It was at least 1981, slightly before the HW80. They were still pissing about with the 35 and the 50 in 1978. B.B. Pelletier says it was introduced in 1978 on his blog, but he is mistaken.
    A bottle of malt to whoever is correct.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drew451 View Post
    A bottle of malt to whoever is correct.
    Damn. Got there before me. I love a single malt.
    Game on I think......

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    Runcorn right by the bridge
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    So, you've never had a .22 HW80?

    IMO the 'Sport looks better than the HW35/95/80 but the trigger isn't as good (few are) and the plastic open sights and blade (Mk 1) on the 'Sport a disappointment. On a plus side the 'Sport has a re settable safety as standard. Also the HWs are far easier to strip.

    You will not be disappointed with a nicely tuned version of either.

    Horses for courses.

    yeah I have had quite a few 80s But I did have one ( still have it actually ) that I really struggled to get 9 Ft Lbs out of ! mostly a polish and Lube and you have to cut down the spring not this bugger, in the end I turned a spigot on the spring guide to fit in the back block it was in bits that many times ! So 80s yes Mostly but not always

  8. #53
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    In my experience the piston seals supplied by John Knibbs are an excellent fit, no additional fitting required as such which is a real bonus.

    Macarri’s springs are excellent, but these days I prefer the feel of the sports standard spring, or as already mentioned, a 77 spring is fine too.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by RustyBuzz View Post
    In my experience the piston seals supplied by John Knibbs are an excellent fit, no additional fitting required as such which is a real bonus.

    Macarri’s springs are excellent, but these days I prefer the feel of the sports standard spring, or as already mentioned, a 77 spring is fine too.
    Yes I prefer the longer soft spring It feels smoother than the stiff one ! When everyone was fitting venom etc I was scooping up the old ones they took out Funnily enough they even seem to work fine buckled or S shaped
    The sport is my favorite springer but I no longer have Ten

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by mallyally View Post
    The sport is my favorite springer but I no longer have Ten
    I can sympathize Mally, l’m down to 9 now too

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by mallyally View Post
    So 80s yes Mostly but not always
    There is always the exception to the general rule.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  12. #57
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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Hsing-ee View Post
    It DEFINITELY was not introduced in 1978. It was at least 1981, slightly before the HW80. They were still pissing about with the 35 and the 50 in 1978. B.B. Pelletier says it was introduced in 1978 on his blog, but he is mistaken.

    Not so; my 45 .177 is dated 01/80 - ie Jan '80, which is shortly before I bought it. I read about them in AGW. I would think it was indeed introduced in 78.

  13. #58
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    Many thanks to all who advised on the original question, and who may like to know the outcome.

    There seemed to be a general agreement that the 124 is pretty good in standard trim, so I decided to try that, at least to start with. Chambers "original" spring (had to polish grinding marks off the ends) and seal fitted, lightly greased and reassembled, and it wouldn't cock! I hadn't touched the trigger, so it didn't take too long to work out that the new spring must be the problem, and that 41 coils of dia wire plus two 2mm delrin washers (not original, but in the gun when i got it, so I left them there) don't fit into the 120mm of available space for the compressed spring. Two coils off the spring, end flattened and polished, and one washer removed, fitted a piston liner while I was at it, as the spring really was rattling around inside the piston, back together and big smile time. 10.9 ft/lbs and the firing cycle is absolutely transformed, completely civilised with no trace of the crash and twang which compelled me to dismantle my new purchase in the first place.

    Am I going to have fun when I take it out to play tomorrow!

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    North Wales
    Great result. Enjoy.
    Very interesting. Got three oops! no four fitted with the 41 coil spring. No cutting done.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Retford, Notts
    A most excellent and encapturing thread.

    Enjoy, Mike.
    NEXT EVENT :- May 2025.........BOING!!

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